Chapter 5

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A few weeks later.......

No one s pov

Damian and Raven together were practicing today to be ready for any of Slade s atacks. Then Kori went inside the training room and said:

"Hello Titans"

'Hello Kori" they greeted

"I m proud of you. You are working hard. I really do apriciate that. Anyways here are the news. We will have a new titan in the team. His name is Jericho. He s well.... he will show you.

Then a guy with blond hair and green eyes apears in front of the titans.

"Guys this is Jericho.I found him around Brother blood s temple this morning. He was lost. Oh also he s mute for some reason."

"Hello buddy" Garfield greeted.

"Yeah welcome to the team" Blue Beetle said.

" It s nice to meet you." Donna said.

Damian just waved and Raven said hello.While the teens were showing the new titan around Damian and Raven had bond conversation:

Raven I dont Know why But i have a bad feeling about this

Why cause he s mute or cause you have bad feeling that something terible will happen?

Both. Mainly the second one.

Damian... To be honest i have bad feeling too. But don t worry. Whatever s botherting our guest I will find out. I m an empath remember?

Whatever you say...

"Ok everyone...Jericho is going to stay with us. Everybody do your best to make him feel comftable. Do you understand?"

"Yes" the others said.

Jericho s pov

Im so glad that Kori let me stay. i ve heard that here i can make friends.It s better than that awful laboratory. I was so scared there. But here i feel home. Althought it s sad that i cant speak like them. Perhaps i can speak with the cloaked girl.

(jericho entering Raven s mind)

Um... hello?

Oh you must be the new one


How did you came in my mind?

One of my powers. Also can you help me speak? 

I ll see what i can do but you must be sure that s something you really want. did you lost your voice?

It starts with my dad. i used to be known as his son joseph.When my mom figured out that he s a hunter she left him and took me with her. My dad s used to be known as Slade Willson.

To be short after i got my powers i lost my voice.

Oh that s sad... I wish i could help

Don t get us wrong. we love him with my mom but ...

She thought about your protection am i correct?


I know exactly how you feel. It s really painful to understand that your dad was one of the bad guys. But yours at least loved you which is good.

What about yours?

Let s just say we have issues...a lot to be exact.

Oh... I mean it s fine if you don t want to talk about it.

Thanks for understanding...

With that their conversation ends.Then Damian enters her room to talk with her.

"Did you see anything about our new titan"

"Nothing yet."

"So i will go to my room" 

"Ok see you tommorow..."

To be continied....

Teen Titans the events after the judas contractOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz