Chapter 2

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Damian s pov

Ugh... That imbecile just had to interrupt our moment.  I was about to kiss the most beautiful girl and he had to ruin it. But there was no time for argues so i just followed Raven to the tower. There we saw Kori and the other titans. Then Kori said:
"Hello everyone. '"
Hello - we greeted. After a few talks about daily stuff she started to talk about Slade.
Then I was like... WTF!  slade is alive!
I thought Terra got rid of that bastard. Anyways we listened to her and all I had in mind is that whatever he's planning he needs to be stopped.
Later we had a crime alert in the city.
It was Slade. I hate that idiot.
Then Kori said :
And so we did.
Slade was destroying stuff with some group named the HIVE 5 .
We were fighting with them. Everyone was dealing with them. Donna caught with her lasso the one which was able to clone himself.
Blue Beetle blazed the baby with robot parts. Kori was fighting Mammoth and Garfield was attacking the guy with one eye. Raven was fighting the dark soursess with pink hair. Well I was about to attack Slade until i heard something .
The psycho bitch was about to blast me but i got saved by Raven.  Then I went after Slade.

Raven s pov
Man that bitch is making me so mad.
"You psycho! " I Screamed at her.
"what's the matter?  Afraid that I could of killed your boyfriend!?'
'Shut up!"
We were blasting each other. Then when she got me down said :
"Oh come on. It's so obvious that you like him. '"
" Shut up you stupid witch!  I don't like Robin. '"
"You're lying. You want him to notice you be with you. "
"Shut up! "
Then I got really angry and blasted her in the stomach. After we took the group down the police came and took them in prison.

Damian s pov
She likes me?  Oh that's so nice. That was what I was thinking. I was chasing Slade. Dammit!  He got away again. I hate him. Why does he have to ruin everything?
When we got the group in prison and headed to the tower for a break.
Then Raven said to me:
"Damian can I talk with you somewhere privately? "
"OK... "

To be continued...

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