"I feel you there but I know a lot will request for you after this show so just take it easy and relax." He the patted my head.

"You might end up tripping on something while on air for not beong focused" he looked at me smiling.

"Well we can't have that can we the last thing I don't want to do is trip within this clothes they might see my underwear with this manskirt" I giggled and look at Yami before going back on stage as the director ordered.

We finished the scene flawlessly and the director giving us a satisfied look and dismissed us.

I went back to my dressing room where I saw Onodera talking to Yami's manager. They stopped talking when I entered the room.

They both had serious looks on their faces I was going to speak when Yami's manager stood up.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Yugi I'm Masamune Takano but you can call me Takano I'm Yami's manager by the way" he said in a low firm voice.

"Same to you Takano-san and also just call me Yugi" I smiled at him he then excused himself out.

I looked at Ritsu who has still a serious look on his face so I decided to tease him.

"Hey Ritsu got your eyes on Mr. Takano now eh?" I asked teasingly which made him blush and back to his oldself again.

"No it was just a talk damnit get dressed I don't want something like last night happened you are not getting out of my sight mister" he ordered me and pointed at my clothes at the sofa.

After that I waved goodbye to everyone and to Yami who was a little sad cause we can't sneak out then Ritsu, we went back at my home he was going to stay with me for a while since he's house is being renovated.

I agreed since I like his company here it's like having a big brother. Then I remembered Joey my best bud in drama school.

He was sent to Paris because some director requested for him to be a part in a big movie.

I wonder how's he doing wish we could meet up someday, I really miss his silliness and the way he treats me as if I was his little brother or something. I chuckled at the thought.


We were going to the music room to do some little noise since we didn't have acting and drama class today. I was skipping and Joey noticed my happiness beaming out of me.

"Hey Yug' what's up ya seem happy today" he asked me with a dumbfounded look

"Well Joey it's because" I  trailed off seeing how he would react then I was shocked at what he said

"Ya'r blinding me man the glow in your face I can't someone give me glasses ASAP" he joked then cut his laugh off "So what is it Yug' don't let me die in curiosity"Joey looked.

"umm... well Joey I'm just so happy we can play instruments today it's been ages since I played some" I shot a smile at him.

"So that's what it was about I just noticed that after I told you that we'll go to the music room you just beamed you're face out of me" he nudge my arm.

We arrived at the music room I immediately went where the piano was and played  Kimi Hana which means you and Flower

 it's one of my favorite songs it's from an anime called  Junjou Romantica. Joey went where I was and listened to me play. Suddenly I realize I was singing with the music I was making .



The flower you love so much blossomed
The flower with small thorns blossomed, just this morning
I guess it means to protect itself with those thorns
It's a flower that only acts strong, quite like you

The more I see of your kindness, the sadder I get
Ever since I realized it's the warmth left by the tears you've shed

I want to see you, want to see you
If it's lonelier the more we are together
Then let's simply hold hands until it's not lonely anymore
Don't let go of that hand, don't let go
Because I'm right next to you
No matter when, just laugh, laugh
And make the flowers bloom

If some distant star makes you smile
Then just looking at the sky makes me happy

The reason I now find the simplest things dear to me
Is because the flower known as you has blossomed in my heart

I want to see you, want to see you
If it's lonelier the more we are together
Then let's simply hold hands until it's not lonely anymore
Don't let go of that hand, don't let go
I'm right next to you
No matter when, I'll laugh and cry for you
So stay by my side

If it's not watered, it'll wither
With such small thorns, it's impossible to protect anything
It really is just acting strong, the flower
Please don't be hurt by those thorns, and don't cry so

I won't let go of that hand, I won't let go
If it's lonelier the more we are together
Then let's simply hold hands until it's not lonely anymore
Even if my hand is hurt by the small thorns. 


~I putted the english translation of the song so we can enjoy reading it lol~

After I sang and played Joey has his eyes wide, I was feeling nervous of what he was thinking about what I did. I waited for him to get his act together and the................He was clapping with tears in his eyes I was shocked at his reaction.

"Yug' that was beautiful you really looked awesome and you're voice was angelic I can feel my self growing white wings and fly away from this world" he wiped his tears and chuckled.

"Joey thanks for a moment there I thought you were paralyzed" I giggled

"Heh I'm so proud of ma bud who's my little brother woooh~~" he said and shouted at the end.

"Joey we don't have the same blood you baka and thanks" I laughed then he joined me and did a noogie to me I was struggling after that we went out to get some food to eat.

~end of flashback~

I went back to reality and saw slapping my cheeks

"Ooouch what'd you do that for?" I said as I rubbed my right cheek that was slapped.

"Getting you back in this world what else" Ritsu stood up and put his hands on his hips. "Also take a bath and come down we're going to watch movies" he said as he smiled at me.

"Wow I thought that you'll make me sleep early what happened to you" I said with my mouth still open.

"Shut up hurry before I change my mind and really make you go to bed early" he waved and went down I hurried to take a bath and went down after.

:D Hello again I know this is getting out of hand but bear with me lol my hands just kept typing what they wanted lol :D ~fujoshiqueen out~

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