THREE | Long Lost Pt. 2

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You, Jerome and your mother sat in the trailer. There was an awkward and strong tension filling the room and bouncing off the walls. You had started crying again earlier and the tear streaks still stained your face. You sat with your face shrouded in the palms of your hand.

"Well-" Lyla said, breaking the silence,"- gotta catch up with Tony. You two...uh... make yourself at home."

With that, she left the trailer.

You two tried to avoid eye contact. If you did, you both would would immediately look away. Maybe it so embarrassing because both of you had felt affection for each other in a not-so-sisterly-and-brotherly way. At least that's what you thought Jerome felt like now.

You laughed nervously thinking about this. Jerome had more of an irritated look smacked on his face. You were curious to know what he was thinking. You didn't, however, know that this was going to affect him in a certain way.

A few hours passed and you had fallen asleep next to Jerome. Because you sleeping so peacefully, he left you on the couch to do something murderous.


You woke up and Jerome was outside the trailer. You noticed Jerome talking to the infamous Detective Jim Gordon.

"Can I help you, Detective?" You peered your head outside.

"We need to speak with Lyla," he answered.

"She's not here. Why, what's happened?"

"Where is she?"

"Uh I don't know, she was supposed to be home ages ago," Jerome chimed in.

"Neither do I," you answered.

"You guys relatives?"

"No, I'm her son, Jerome. She's my sister, Y/N," Jerome seemed to say reluctantly.

"Jerome, Y/N, when did you last see her?" Detective Gordon asked.

"This morning, she was here when I left for the library," Jerome answered.

"Y/N?" Detective Gordon turned to you.

"I saw her before I took my nap, around 10:00, maybe?" You tried to recall.

Lyla had a disagreement with someone, the ringmaster said. He then said she was probably out on a spree.

"Without her coat, her handbag?"

Jerome noticed the snake, Sheba, was on edge.

"How fast does an animal like that move?" Detective Gordon asked.

"Uh, fast walking pace. They rely on surprise, mainly," Jerome told him.

"Let her out," Jim said.

"I'm sorry?" Jerome looked confused.

"Let her out," Gordon said with a smile.

You, Jerome, the ringmaster, Lee and Jim followed the snake to a cart covered by a tarp. The snake slithered under the tarp. Jim pulled the tarp away. Lyla was dead.  Jerome fell to his knees and you joined him, hugging him and crying with him. Lee put her hand on your and Jerome's shoulders as you and Jerome sobbed in each other's arms.

You, as well as others, were brought to the Gotham City Police Department. Jerome was interrogated already. You had stopped crying but your eyes still stung.

"Y/N," Gordon signaled for you.

You were lead to the interrogation room. You sat in the chair and Jim sat in a chair across from you.

"Where were you at the time of the murder?" Jim asked.

"I was sleeping on a couch in Lyla's trailer," you replied.

"Mm, okay. Do you know anyone who would want to hurt your mother?"

"I literally found out yesterday that she was my mother." The thought of that made your heart shatter knowing that you could've formed a relationship with your mother who you once thought had died, but now she was truly deceased. You felt your eyes well up with water, and you wiped them away with the back of your hand.

After being interrogated, you walked back out of the room. You noticed Jerome and ran over to him. You wrapped your arms around him suddenly and sobbed into his chest. He repeated this, but hugged you around the waist, which soothed you in a way. Because he was taller than you, he practically bent over to hug you. But you only had one thought on your mind: Whoever killed your mother was going to pay...

Want a part three? If this chapter gets 10 votes then part three will be in existence.

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