3X13 (Lee Taken Hostage)

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A/N Watch the video. It'll help you understand this more. :)
"What the-mm!"-Lee

"Boo... ha ha. *high pitched inhale sound*"

*Commercial Break*

*taps gun four times*

"Wow. That's quite a story. You know I know I've been dead but doesn't that seem crazy to you?"-Jerome

"Hey maybe you're dreaming. Try shooting yourself."-Lee

"Huh..ah...nah. Hey, so tell me about this cult. They think I'm pretty great, hah?"-Jerome

"They're a bunch of raving lunatics and idiots."-Lee

"Lunatics and ia-they seem like my kind of people-*weird sound from the mouth**clears throat*
Sorry, head's still a little fuzzy. You know I was just reborn. Last year was nothing but darkness. As far as the eye can see, I know you, right?" Jerome


"Hey uh did you and I ever uh..."

"Oh god, no."

"What? Gingers not your type?...oh I remember. Your Jim Gordon's little... Twinkie."


"How's it going between you and Jimbo? Are you still together or..."


"No? Oh. Aww! That's a shame. I really liked you guys. Hey, what happened?"

"He killed my husband on our wedding night."

*Looks Lee in the eye, smiles and starts laughing*

"Glad you find it funny."

"I do!"*continues laughing*"I get why you don't."

*Jerome puts gun under Lee's chin, takes it away, continues laughing*

"You know what? Go ahead, enjoy it. There's about a hundred cops on the other side of that door ready to kill you all over again."

*Jerome stops laughing, clears his throat."

"Okay. I see your point. It's a business...so when I was last- you know- alive, I was about to kill Bruce Wayne. I suppose I didn't manage to...uh..no. Right. Theo Galavan killed me. That jug-eared judice. Well I suppose I should start by killing him."

"Theo Galavan's dead."

"Aww! Well, who beat me to it?"

"W-which time?"

"Galavan came back to life, too?"


"Hmm? That son-of-a-***** is always upstaging me. Well, I guess I'm just missing one thing then...where is my face?"

Jerome Valeska ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz