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I gasp as I hit the lockers behind me and look up as a hand wraps around the front of my shirt and see Caleb's flashing green eyes land on me. He had a glare on his eyes as his mouth twisted into a sneer

"So you're not just a pansy but also a blabber mouth? "He snarled making me swallow the lump in my throat as I tried to take his hand off of me but he was stronger than me.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" I stutter making him chuckle

"Don't be stupid little bitch. I know you went and told on Damon, Erick and I about messing with you to Alpha Dimitri" he snarled and I furrow my brows. What is he talking about?

"Let him go Caleb" Adam's voice said from behind and Caleb turned to face him and Alexa both of who had glares on theirs faces and arms crossed

"And why should I? The little fucker went and told the alpha about us messing with him" Caleb said

"You think that he's the only one who could've told him? There could've been anyone who told him. Now let him go" Alexa snarled but he ignored her turning to face me again and before I could cover my face, his fist landed on my face and I could feel a bruise already forming on my skin.

"You think that they like you? You are pathetic Lucas. A fucking nobody that spreads his legs for anyone with a dick. Maybe I should teach take up the offer and fuck you" he taunted as tears blurred my vision at his words. If only he knew the truth. Would he still think of me in such a way? Was he right about Bennett and Dimitri not loving me? I was pathetic and weak while they were strong and powerful. Practically the whole pack were bigger, stronger and more powerful then I could ever be.

I saw his fist raise and I prepared for the blow that never came and looked up to see Caleb pressed against the apposite wall by Adam who had his hand wrapped around his neck

"Are you alright?" Alexa asked with concern and I nodded looking over her shoulder to see her boyfriend and Caleb glaring daggers at each other

"Fuck, Caleb seriously? You have no fucking idea what he's been through and to say that to him? Stay the fuck away from him or so help me god I will not hesitate to put you in your place. You may be the son of a warrior but you are by far nothing like him. Pray to god that I break your fucking teeth right now" Adam snarled as he held Caleb by the throat. Caleb sneered and clawed at Adam's arm but he wasn't letting Caleb go.

"Come on, let's get that checked out" Alexa said helping me Ronny feet and I nodded letting her lead me to the school infirmary


"thought that you'd be safe?" A voice taunted behind me and I tensed up as the hairs on my neck stood up as goosebumps rose on my arms as his breath fanned on my skin. My heart began racing rapidly in my chest and my lungs began to constrict against my ribs.

"Please don't" I whimpered but he only chuckled. A cold and dark laugh before turning g me around and throwing a lunch to my stomach. I gasped at the impact and felt my eyes widen and fill with tears of pain. My arms were held out by Erick and Damon as Caleb continued his assault on my body.

Why were they doing this to me? What did I do to them to hate me so much? I never did anything to them for them to bully me. Did they not care that I had two kids that needed me? A baby girl that I just had four months ago?

"You're nothing but a whore Lucas. Do you enjoy taking it up the ass? Maybe we should take turns fucking you and then you tell us who you like better" Caleb said with a laugh, his two friends following behind and I cried. My key was bruised no doubt. Blood was rolling down my chin from my split lip. My left eye was already swollen from the lunch he threw at me.

My mate rejected.......me? ✅ (boyxboy mpreg)(Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now