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     July 23. A cusp of Cancer and Leo (this has siginificance eventually). I was born into a world, unaware of the burdens it would bring me. However, I was a child of a cusp - someone who is more spiritually connected with their world, yet must always undergo the extremes to keep the world order at an equilibrium.
     A cusp-born could either experience short moments of great sorrow and long moments of small luxuries, or vice versa. My kind of cusp are that "vice versa." Throughout my 20 years of life I have only experienced pain and sorrow. The happiest moments have always been ripped away from me. I think at this point you can start to understand part of why I was in that tub.
     A perfectly healthy boy the doctor said I was, although I was almost miscarried, had a rotated skull, and would undergo ear problems my whole life. Should not forget that I was choked at birth and barely survived. What better way for a Sorrow cusp-born to arrive? (I'm coining this as the term for my type of cusps. I'll call the other vice-versas the Joyful.)
     Over the years of my life, there were beatings, cruelty, unfairness, car crashes, deaths, break ups, losses in so many variations... But through all of the pain, it was my friends and love for helping others that kept me sane and content. However, a Sorrow has to fight harder than any other human to gain what they truly desire for more happiness. A Joyful has that handed to them - and it's rare for them to experience true pain, unless it happens by chance. The ones who fight to cause this for themselves or others, in my opinion, are the most terrifying people in the world.
     Growing up, I always wanted to be unique in some paranormal or supernatural way; little did I know I always was, it has brought me nothing but chronic sadness, depression, and anxiety. Now that you have an idea of who I am, let's get to a point of time before the switch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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