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       "Jeydon? What if they don't like me? What if they hate me? Will he like me? What if they don't like me? What am I supposed to do then?" "Calm down babydoll.""These are important questions, don't tell me to calm down. I've only ever met your mom and her other kids. What do I do if your dad doesn't like me?" "He's gonna love you." "And if he doesn't?" "Well, oh well, I don't care." I sigh,"He's gonna hate me." the rest of the drive was silent, not uncomfortable silence, but not comfortable silence.  We get to his dad's house and he opens my door for me. We walk hand in and to the door. He rings the door and I tighten my grip on his hand. He smiles at me mouthing the words,"Calm down." I blush and nod,"Okay." His dad answers the door and he lets go of my hand to hug him. "Dad this is (Y/n), (Y/n) this is my dad."

      I smile,"Nice to meet you sir." "Call me dad, if you make him happy, you make me happy." I nod, blushing. Jeydon grabs my hand, "My neice and nephew are here! They're your favorite kind of child, small,"he laughs dragging me through the house, to the backyard. I smile when I see them, they're so little, they can't be anymore than four. "Jupiter, Venus, meet my fiance, (Y/n)." I smile, kneeling down beside Jey, "I can introduce myself to little kids Jey. It's so nice to meet you little ones." Venus looks at me, her green eyes and black hair making her look exactly like her mom, her brother has the same features. "You're really pretty," she turns to Jeydon,"be good to her." I giggle,"Thank you. You're really pretty too." She smiles,"Thank you,"she blushes. 

      Jeydon smiles,"See Babydoll, five people out of the ten here already like you, right guys?" They nod and Jupiter looks up at me,"Can I have a hug?" "Awe, of course you can little one." I wrap my arms around him and he wrapped his arm as tightly as he could around my shoulders. After a minute he lets go of me so I release him from my grip. Venus then jumps into my arms, hugging me the same way Jupiter did. Jeydon pouts,"Why does she get a hug but I don't? What if Uncle Jey wants a hug?" "They like me better,"I laugh sticking my tounge out at him. They laugh and nod,"Aunt (Y/n) is right." My heart slightly shatters as thy say that, in a good way. Jey smiles at me, quietly laughing, "did your heart just melt Babydoll?"  I nod. "Awe. The five I haven't met come over and I get slightly uncomfortable as they were some-what towering over me. 

   "Jeydon, not gonna introduce us to your girl?" He smiles,"I was planning on it. It's easier to get her to warm up to little kids, so I started with that. (Y/n) these are my two aunts, my uncle, and my cousins. Say hello." "Hello." "Where's mommy?,"Jupiter asks. "Mommy and Daddy went to the store, they'll be back soon," Jey's aunt answers. He nods,"Mommy said she wanted to see you when you got here." I nod,"I'll see mommy when she gets here." He nods again,"Okay aunt (Y/n). Come push me on the swings!" "What's the magic word?" "Please?" "There we go, lets go." He ran to the swings, which I gentely placed him on one. After a few minutes he turns to look at me,"I want to swing myself now, swing beside me!" I giggle and sit beside him, slightly swinging. Jey was in the sandbox with Venus. He looks excited, it's adorable. "Do you love Uncle Jeydon, Aunt (Y/n)?" "More than anything," I say smilingover at him. "You guys are gonna get married right?" "Yes Jupiter, we're gonna get married." "What about babies?" "Babies? I don't know. We could adopt one day, It depends if Uncle Jeydon wants babies." 

    "Do you want babies?" "Maybe one baby. I don't know about a lot of babies though." He nods, Well there has to be a first everything right?" I nod,"There is." Jeydon smiles up at me from the sandbox and waves. I smile and wave back. He points at Venus, pouting,"She so cute." ""I know." He's lowkey adorable when it comes to little kids. Who knows maybe one day we'll start our own family.


Jey Wale And Kyle David Hall oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora