I Need Attention - J

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  I was laying in bed in my phone waiting on Jeydon to get home. He's been out all day with Johnnie, Alex, Shannon, Jordan, and Kyle.  I would'e gone with, since they never come visit us, but I had a migrain. My migrains get so bad that I vomit and pass out so I stayed home. 

 I heard the door close down stairs. "Babe! I'm Home!",Jeydon yelled from down stairs. After a few minutes I heard him running up the stairs. I stood up when he walked in ad walked over to him, hugging him." He hugs back and kisses my forehead, "Migrain gone?" I nod. "Good. I'm gonna go take a shower. Kay?" I nod, letting go of him. "You gonna speak to me or am I getting the silent treatment? Or did you go mute?" I giggle, "Hi, no,no." "Good, becacause I likes attention." I laugh," Don't I know it?" He walks over and straddles my lap," What are you trying to say ma'am?" I lean up and peak his lips,"I'm saing you're clingy." He pouts,"No I'm not!", then he thinks about it,"Wait, yeah I am. Dang, but it's a cute clingy right?" "Of course, it's you, and you're alays cute." He got up, causing me to pout,"What ya going?"  "To take my shower." 

  I was on my phone responding to fan tweets when Jeydon got out the shower. "I,"hefalls on the bed,"Need," he turns to face me, "Attention!", he moves so he's on top of me. I ignore him and continue responding to tweets. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Babe? Baby? Babydoll? Doll? Dollface? You?  Hey you! Acknowledge me! I need attention! Hello?" I smirk, but don't respond. "Ughhhhhhh! Stop ignoring me! This is mean! It's abuse and I wonn't stand for it! Fine! I'll ignore you too! Ha!" He turns away from me pouting,"Why are you ignoring me? Are you mad? Did I do something?" I turn to face him and wrap my arms around him, playing with his hair. We were basically spooning with him being the little spoon. "Hey teddybear." He leans into my touch,"Yay! Attention.""I'm dating a five year old," I sigh. "Are you calling me a child?" "Yep!" "Am I a cute kid?"  "Of course." "Yay!" 

  "How was your day with the guys?" "Good, how about your's? Boring without me here right?" I giggle,"Yeah totally." "What did you do all day?" "Responded to tweets, dms, all the socail media things, made a video when my migrain went away, the usual." "Sounds fun." I giggle it was you dork." He turns to face me,"I need more atention!" I put a leg on his and wrap my arms around him,still playing with his hair. He wraps his arms around my waist and tangles his legs with the one I didn't have on him. I kiss his forehead causing him to smile. He buries his face in my hair. 

  "Do you have enough attention yet?" He nods.  "Good. Because you have my full undivided attention and I don't think I could give you anymore." He laughs. "You know Jey, we could adopt, but at the same time we could never adopt,because you take all of my attention, the child would get taken away due to neglect." "Not true." "Jey, don't deny it."  HE laughs, sleepiky, "Okay maybe you're right." "Jey," I say dragging out his name. "Yess," He says the same way, yet still sleepily. "Just go to sleep,Jeybear."  He yawns and nods. "Good night Jey." "Night." After a few minutes he falls alseep. He's socute and peaceful when he's sleeping. Sleeping Jey is so precious. I  soon fall alseep to, after pulling him alittle closer. God how did I get so lucky? He's so precious, and sweet, and kind, and gorgeous. Jeydon is so out of my league. How did I ever get him? God I love him though.

Kinda short but Superrrr sweet. 💜🖤

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