Chapter 18: Traitor

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After hearing Angelo tell me of Cecelia's heartbroken condition, I couldn't stop myself. My legs automatically dragged themselves to her room. A servant standing at her door with a tray of food almost dropped it upon seeing me. What shocked me most was the now happy look she had.

"Jasper! My dear! Thank god! You finally came!" she said excitedly.

My brows shot so high they reached my hairline. "Hello?"

"She won't even open the door! She hasn't eaten anything all day! You have come to convince her to come out right?" she asked with hope. Everyone loved Cecelia, she was good with all her servants. She probably had the whole castle worried.

"I can't promised anything," I replied honestly. I was the one that caused this.

The servant didn't seem to believe me. "Nonsense, at least get her to eat."

She shoved the tray in my hands before disappearing down the hall. I stared after her, stopping myself from calling her back.

With a sigh, I knocked on Cecelia's door.

"I told you, I am not hungry! Why won't you all just leave me alone!" She yelled, her voice shook with emotion.

Damn it Cece. Why are you doing this to yourself? I am not worth all this!

"Cece... it's me," I tried, my voice coming out raw. I mentally swore at myself.

I heard a shuffling from behind the door.

"Go away," she said quietly, her voice sounding much closer, as if she was right behind the door.

"I know you don't want to see me or talk to me, but at least just listen. I don't expect a response, just an ear," I said, almost desperately. There was no response so I continued. "Yes you were right. I was going to steal something, but I only wanted to help my family. I am not saying this justifies anything, it doesn't. You were right, I should have trusted you. I am ashamed of this, this desperation to be accepted by them. Just know this Cece, I never planned on hurting you. This, what you are doing to yourself, you need to stop. You need to move on, okay? You deserve so much better, you deserve the world Cece. Please, find you someone who will love you unconditionally. Don't punish yourself or your court for my mistakes. Please, at least eat something tonight. Remember, everything I am doing is for you. It will all make sense tomorrow okay? Just don't get involved with my parents, stay away from this. Stay safe for me. Cece... I love you. "

I held my breath waiting for a response but there was nothing. Nothing other than the sound of sniffling which told me I had made her cry again. I hated this. I hated myself.

I wished I could see her one more time before I left, hold her one more time, kiss her one more time. But I couldn't. I needed to leave. It was what was best for them. I only brought trouble and heartache.

I was doing the right thing. For once, I was doing the right thing.


The next day came and I swore upon walking past the treasure room. As Cecelia promised my parents, the room was left unguarded. I asked her not to get involved, I hope they haven't asked anything else of her. I wanted her as far away from this as possible.

I sat there waiting in the middle of the room waiting for my parents to show up. At one point I thought they were coming, but then the door opened. In creeped my father looking around, behind him my mother crept in. I guess they were playing good parent, bad parent trying to get me to go along with their plans. They both came forward before pausing in their place, their eyes meeting mine.

"Hello family," I said with a side smirk. Despite how horrible I was feeling, I didn't let them know.

My mom took a step forward, forcing a smile on her face. "Son! I am so glad you changed your mind!"

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