I Swear I'm an 80's Kid!

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I know we live in 2017. But, for some weird reason, I feel like an 80's kid. I have a WHOLE playlist of 80's pop, rock, and new wave on Spotify (I prefer it more than modern music), I love the Original Star Wars movies, I have 80's style glasses (they're geek glasses with thick rims and big lenses), I have CD's from bands from the 80's and a collection of 80's music, I like movies like E.T. and The Goonies, I say "totally" and "dude" a lot, I know a lot of 80's music artists and bands, I like bright colours (like pink and blue), I watch a TV show called ALF, that came out in the 80's.

(My dad grew up with the show. It's about a suburban family that takes in a muppet-like alien creature and they name him ALF (Alien Life Form). He comes from a planet called Melmac. He's wise cracking and smart mouthed, but he's got a lot of great one-liners in the show. I find the show really cute and heartwarming. Not that many kids my age have actually heard of this show.  And I don't think they'd like it that much either. I love it! Here's the classic opening for the show!)

I swear, I'm an 80's kid at heart!! Don't you guys think so?

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