Mental Health Awareness Month

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I just found out that February is Mental Health Awareness month. I'm hoping that I will get lots of help and support from my councillors at school, my online councillor, and I also have lots of kind and caring friends here on Wattpad that I can talk to.

Living with PTSD and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) is not fun. Sometimes I don't take good care of myself and I don't give myself enough self love and I've also said some hurtful things to my friends here on Wattpad who were only trying to help me. But, I ended up apologizing to them. I swear I don't want to do that again. I realized what I did was wrong.

I am getting help at school from councillors and I have an online councillor I can talk to. I also have God. I hope that this month and the rest of the year, that will get better and I will learn to take better care of myself and to learn how to control my anxieties and my anger and any negative feelings.

I just wanted to let you all know about how this month is Mental Health Awareness month. Thank you so much for being awesome friends!

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