First Circle: The Meeting

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The Doctor looks at you. After a long pause, he says, "Do you want to come along in the TARDIS with me? Help me find Gallifrey?" 


You have to write about your meeting with the Doctor. You could have met him while he was saving your planet or while he was just visiting and you struck up a conversation. You could have wandered onto the TARDIS and, amazed at its bigger on the inside technology, wanted to travel.

Questions you must answer:

1) How did you meet? 

2) Why did he invite you? What made you so special?

3) Why did you go? Why are you helping him?

4) Include your reaction to, 'It's bigger on the inside!'

The Doctor does not have to do anything in your entry beyond saying the lines above. Show me why your character is special through your entry and from your character's actions and interaction with others. 

DUE: Saturday, March 22, 11 PM GMT, 6 PM EST. 

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