Chapter 13

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You sigh as you see the text. I mean it's about time right? You thought sadly in your head. And it wasn't like you were leaving anything behind either.

You walk downstairs and look at Anji.

"What's wrong? You're not going to do something stupid are you?"

"Pfft I'm not that weak. I'm just going to go back home for a while"

"What? To Busan?"

You simply nod at her as you head back upstairs. But before you could get to your room she grabs your hand.

"Okay your not weak your just a coward now! Your seriously going all the way to Busan just to run away"

You pull your arm back away from her. You give her a glare.

"I am not running away"

Your voice was so stern it almost scared Anji. She backed away.

"Then why are you moving?"

"My parents just happened to text me saying they want me to come home, so I am"

"So it was just a coincidence?"


You shut your door in front of her and start packing. You couldn't believe how she accused you of that. Yes you were sad but you wouldn't do something as stupid as moving all the way to Busan for some stupid heartbreak. You were a realist. No matter what happened you didn't let your feelings cloud your actions.

You breathed out to calm yourself. You noticed you were throwing your stuff into the bag. You cleaned up the mess you made and packed calmly.

After you were finished you booked a flight for tomorrow morning and just laid in bed. You texted your parents back.

'Already packed'

You only start to question them now. They know about your college and how tight your schedule is. Why would they call you all the way back to Busan? Just to see you? No way.

You started to look for a reason of why they would but you couldn't come up with one. Maybe it had something to do with your brother.

Before you knew it you fell asleep.


You awake to the annoying beeping of your phone. You groan as you see the time. You wash up and put some comfortable clothes on. You place a sticky note in Anji's door before going outside to hear the taxi beeping for you.

The ride to the airport was long but you didn't even notice it. You were just daydreaming, about nothing. You stared blankly at the window. You didn't even notice the car had already arrived. The driver cleared his throat.

"Miss we are here"

"Ah sorry"

You paid the driver and walked in. Waiting had become almost normal for you now. You were constantly waiting.

While you were waiting you thought about how at the back of your heart Anji was right. You were running away.

Maybe if you hadn't met Yoongi you would've told your parents you couldn't.

You queued in line. It took forever. Finally you were at the last gate. All they needed to do was announce your flight.

You hear some ruckus behind you. Everyone turned to look except you. You didn't care. Until you heard the voice.

"Let me in! I know someone in there!!"

You jerked your head back. It was Yoongi....


Anji woke up from the beeping outside. Curious to see who it was she walks outside. She sees you get in the taxi with luggage. She tried to run after you but she stopped. It was so cold. She felt so alone now that you had left. She glumly walks back to her room when she notices the sticky note on her door.

'Bye Anji I'll see you around'

Around? What did that mean? Does that mean you might not come back? Tears welled up in her eyes. Before they could fall she heard the doorbell go off.

As she walks up she wipes her tears. Maybe it's (y/n). She opens the door to find a blonde haired man standing there. She raised her eyebrows.

"Ah you must be Anji"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Oh I'm Yoongi, Min Yoongi"

Her face turns sour.

"Is (y/n) around?"


She says it so rudely she even surprises herself.

"Well uh... I wanted to apologise"

"You're too late"

She slaps him the note and closes the door. Yoongi reads the note and his eyes widen.

He pounds on the door.

"Wait! What does this mean?!"

He's desperately knocking on the door like a mad man. Anji opens the door with an angry expression.

"Just get lost she doesn't want to see you"

"Where is she?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I can bring her back"

Anji scoffs.

"You're the reason why she left"

He looks to the ground guiltily.

"Just let me talk to her. Give me a chance"

His eyes were desperate. Anji sighs.

"Airport, she's going back home, to Busan. Get there quick she might've already left"

"Thank you"

He bows and runs back to his car. Anji closes the door and mutter to herself.

"Sorry (y/n)"

~End of flashback~

You closed you eyes hoping you were dreaming. But he kept shouting. Your ears wouldn't close. You stood up and walked towards him.

He stopped struggling from the guards and he stood still in front of you. You looked up into his eyes. Tears were in the corner and they were going to fall.

"What do you want?"

Waaaahhhhh I had fun writing this! Mwahahha. What is wrong with me....

Thanks for reading xx

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