Chapter 11

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"Are you alright?"

"I'm more than fine! Thank you for bringing me here Yoongi"

You snuggled into his neck again and smiled widely at him.

"Your welcome" He returned the smile.

"Okay now get off me" he says all of a sudden.

You frowned. Way to ruin the moment.

"Nooo just a little longer" you whined.

"Hell no. You heavy girl get off or I'm dropping you"

Offended you pouted at him. You crossed you arm. He gently placed you down but as soon as your feet touched the sand you fell to the ground and grabbed you ankle.

"Aaahhh my ankle still hurts owwww"

He looked concerned.

"Aigo are you okay? ...Just kidding. Get up"

He kicked sand into your face. Angry you ran up to him with sand in your hands.

"Min Yoongi come back here!"

He runs away from you and you chased him. Well tried. He was surprisingly really fast. And the sand was slowing you down even more. After the little chase you collapsed on the soft sand and heavily breathed out. Yoongi falls next to you.

"Tired already?"

"Yea my foot hurts again"

You grabbed your ankle as if it was in pain.

"It was the other ankle by the way"

You stopped acting. You turned red from the embarrassment.

"So the other one hurts as well"

You smacked his arm and he laughs. He pointed to the ocean and your eyes widens.

The sun was setting. The sky was like a colourful painting. You laid your head on his shoulder.

"It's beautiful" you gasped.

"Like you" He gives you his gummy smile.

"Pshh stop"

You laugh at his cheesiness. You took a couple of photos before getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"The water I wanna touch it"


He chuckles and grabs the camera before you leave.

You walked into the water and flinched a little at the coldness. You put your hand under and moved it around. You looked so fascinated, like you've never touched water before. You smiled so much today your cheeks hurt.

It's been so long since you've done something this fun. You look back at Yoongi who was just sitting there and watching you play with the water.

You put up a peace sign and waited for Yoongi to take a picture. He smiles and puts the camera up to his face. You posed ridiculously before some people walked pass you. Embarrassed you put your arms down and bowed at them. You ran to Yoongi turning red.

"Aaahh that was so embarrassing"

You put your head into your hands.

"Not as embarrassing as these photos"

You gasped and tried to take the camera but he runs away.

"Nooo Yoongi stopp!"

You try to chase after him again but you were too slow. You sighed as you watch him run around laughing like a little kid. You smile to yourself. He's so cute. Realising you had stopped he ran to you.

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