Chapter 12

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You looked at the two confused. What was happening. Your eyes turned to Yoongi. His eyes looked like his whole world was falling apart.


Your eyes widened. You thought back to his notebook. At the top of the page it had said

To Danah

You awkwardly stood there in between them too. The silence seemed like it would never end. You cleared your throat letting them know you were still there. Yoongi snaps back awake and looks at you.

"Come let's go"

"Yoongi wait!"

Before you could wait for her reply he grabs your hand and drags you towards the direction he had come from.

"Wait Yoongi hear me out"

She grabs his arm. You looked at her hand. Your heart hurt at the sudden contact.


He tugs his arm away from her. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. You stop him. He was clearly hurting. You looked sadly into his eyes.

"Talk to her"

You shoved him to her. He needed to move on, to get over her. He can't just keep running away. He looked at you betrayed.

"I'll be in the car"

You sadly walked to the car and watched as she runs up to him.

"Yoongi im sorry please"

You closed your eyes and ran to the car. You locked it. You touched your cheek. There was a tear falling.

"Why am I crying?"

You laughed to yourself and forced your eyes to close. A few agonising minutes later Yoongi comes back.

He weakly smiles at you.

"Let's go"


"She's offered us a ride"

"Ah okay"

You get out of the car and hop into hers. You sadly looked out the window, seeing only darkness.

The awkwardness in the air never felt so strong before. It almost suffocated you.

To let some air out you open the door. It was raining. You let the rain touch your face. Without knowing your tears mixed with it.

Yoongi reaches over you and closes the window.

"What are you doing it's raining"

He looks at you concerned when he saw the tears on your face.

"It's just the rain"

You wiped it away with your sleeve. You fell back trying to fall asleep.

You closed your eyes, but never fell asleep. You stayed conscious. You hear her voice breaking the unbearable silence.

"Is she asleep?"

Yoongi doesn't answer.

"Look I know your mad but hear me out okay? I didn't mean it I really didn't"

"Oh really? Then you just happened to fuck my best friend huh?"

You could feel her tense up. Then you heard her crying.

The car started going wonky.

"Hey! Are you trying to get us killed?!"

Yoongi's shout made you flinch in fear. You'd never heard him like this before.

You felt the car stop. The door opens. Then the car starts up again. You can still hear her quietly crying. But this time she was in the passenger seat. Yoongi was gone. He wasn't next to you anymore, he was next to her.

He drove all the way home while not caring how much she cried.

He shook you slightly.

"(Y/n) wake up your home"

You pretend to wake up and he hands you the camera. You walk towards your door and look back. You see them talking to each other as they drove away.

You clutched your heart and cried at the front door. It hurt so much seeing them together. It hurt how much they looked good together. It hurt how they were probably going to spend the night together...

You walk in looking like a mess. Anji worriedly walks up to you.

"What's wrong?"

She rubs your back and hugs you. You didn't cry. You already let it all out. You felt numb.

You told her about the girl, about the lyrics. She looks at you not knowing what to say.

"Don't worry I'm sure nothing will happen"

She tries to cheer you up with her smile. You wanted to be alone so you faked a smile. She rubbed your back before leaving.

You collapsed on your bed. You crawled under the covers and curled up into a ball. After a couple of hours you finally let yourself fall asleep.


It's been a week since you've last seen Yoongi. You received a text saying 'I'm going to be busy for a while, sorry' after the night. Since then he hasn't talked to you.

You walked around the house like a rotting zombie. You stayed inside all day. You didn't feel like going outside and seeing people. People are bad.

Anji just watched you with concern but never actually goes near you. She stayed away from you like the old times. You were back to your boring self. You shut yourself in and studied all day.

Every moment while you were alone with your thoughts you always went back to the day at the beach. Then to how they're probably together right now. You imagined Yoongi and her at the beach.

The days seemed to stretch on forever. Soon your sadness turned into hatred. You knew you had no right to hate him but you didn't anyway. You needed someone to blame, or else you'd blame yourself.

This is why you didn't mess with other people. It always led to misery. The greatest love stories always did end with tragedies.

As you were laying in bed your phone buzzed. You picked it up denying in your feeling that it might've been Yoongi, because you knew it wasn't. But still as you picked it up you were still let down.

It was from your parents. They wanted you to come home.

Back to Busan.

So farrrr awaaayyyyyyy. I thought that song would match this chapter but as I read the lyrics I was like okay maybe not. It's such a beautiful yet depressing song. I just wanna say I'm so proud of Yoongi for making it this far despite everything he's been through. And not just Yoongi to everyone in bangatan. They've made it so far.
I'm seriously going to vote for them 20 times a day for bbmas. We can do it guys! Im actually going to cry if they win. Let's make history together :)

Love ya thanks for reading! xx

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