Chapter 6

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You were confused.

"Don't you... wanna come in?"

He awkwardly scratched his neck. You blushed.

"Well you should've told me"

You pouted. He started to chuckle.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry"

He opened the door and held it open for you.

"Thank you~"

You walked inside. His house wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It was simple but it wasn't bland. It kind of looked like your house. Everything you've seen before but you were a mess last time so you didn't have a good look at it yet.

"This way"

He pointed up stairs. Your heart was racing. Was he taking you to his room? Again?

You followed him upstairs. His room hadn't change. There was still paper mostly everywhere.

"Sorry for the mess"

"It's fine its not like this is the first time I'm here"

You smiled and he smiled back. He motions you to sit on his bed. You nervously take your shoes off and sit down (shit down shit down!) He sits across from you on his chair.

You guys stare at each other for a while. No one spoke. He looks around the room.

"Do you want something to drink"

"Oh uh sure, just water is fine"

He stands up and leaves the room. You exhale really loudly only realising now that you were holding your breath.

You start to walk around his room. You picked up one of the papers that were crumpled up and opened it back up. You hear footsteps and you quickly folded it and put in your pocket. You ran to your seat.

"Here you go"

He hands you a clear glass. He has one of his own.

"Ah thank-"

You put the glass closer to your nose and realised it was vodka.

"Uhm... is this... vodka?"

He smirks at you and takes a sip from his glass, which you were assuming was vodka too.

"You don't drink?"

"No no I just... never mind"

You cautiously took a sip. You squinted your eyes as the liquid burnt your throat. You started to have a coughing fit.

"Are you okay" He chuckles while he pats you on the back.

"I'm fine" you managed to choke out.

You took another sip. Then another one and another and another...

Before you knew it you had finished 2 glasses already. Your speech became really slurred. You were drunk af and you were just saying random things now.

"I- I have a stupid college *hiccup*"

"You have a college? You own one?"

Yoongi just kept laughing at everything you said. Then you started to confess things about how you became so boring and how you wanna be wild again. If you had your mind in the right place you would've died from embarrassment.

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