Chapter 7

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          J.D. parked his motorbike in an empty parking lot surrounded by tall trees. It was pretty silent. The only sounds you could hear were the trees branches being blown by the light wind and the occasional bird chirps. He got off his bike and I followed. He turned to me and smiled.

          "We're going hiking!" He said. I looked down at my attire. Why didn't this maniac tell me? Flats and a skirt aren't exactly hiking material. I looked at him with a stern look on my face. He furrowed his brows. "What is it?"

          "Why didn't you tell me? I mean look at what I'm wearing J.D. I look ridiculous! Not only that but, I'm going to get tired before we can even reach half a mile with these shoes." He looked at my outfit then looked at me and shrugged. He then proceeded to walk towards the trail. "Hello? Don't ignore me this isn't cool."

          "My mom and I used to go hiking when she was around." J.D. said ignoring my complaints. That didn't bother me anymore since now he was talking about his mom who he has never brought up before.  I speed walked to catch up to him then shut my mouth to listen to what he had to say. "She loved nature. I could see why. It's one of the few things mankind has managed to somewhat preserve. When we'd walk through here we would both forget everything. It was one of the few places where we could be ourselves and forget my dad." He smiled weakly at the ground, "I haven't really felt the need to go out hiking lately. I used to do it to get away but, I don't have to anymore. You make me content, Veronica." He stopped walking and looked at me and smiled. A genuine smile.

          I don't know what overcame me but, J.D. was only a few inches away from me. He licked his lips as he waited for me to respond. I made him... happy? I blushed and looked down at my flats as my feet were already starting to ache even though we had barely walked. He chuckled softly then I looked up and placed my lips on his. We were kissing. Or at least I was. Once I noticed J.D. had become incredibly stiff and hadn't returned the kiss at all I pulled away. He had a confused look on his face. 

          "I can't." Those were the only words that came out of his mouth.

          "What do you mean you can't?" I asked him as I started playing with the hem of my skirt. Now I was incredibly embarrassed and ashamed. 

          "I can't return those feelings Veronica." He said. No. Emotion. I let out a soft chuckle as I saw my vision start to blur. I was about to cry in front of Jason Dean all because he rejected me. I sniffled. He was about to place his arm on my shoulder and I took a step back.

          "Take me home please." I said.


          "Please." I said with way too much desperation in my voice. He nodded and we walked back towards his bike. We got on and the ride to my house was completely silent. I didn't even say goodbye when I got off and walked towards my house. I somehow managed to climb up the tree and through my window, something I usually needed J.D.'s help with. 

          I didn't understand. He's flirted with me a couple of times. Many actually. He even calls me Princess. I thought he knew I had feelings for him. I for sure thought he felt the same way. Great now I ruined things with J.D. My only friend. I grabbed my telephone and looked through my journal of phone numbers and dialed a number I'd probably regret.

          "Hello?" Said the familiar voice.

          "Yeah, hi! It's Veronica. I called to apologize..."

Sorry it's another short chapter! Next one will probably be longer lol.

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