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James had a special connection with Peter that none of the other Marauders seemed to have. Sirius and Peter were like oil and water most days, Remus often unintentionally made Peter feel slow, but James and Peter somehow found a connection. They were likely the least similar of the marauders; Jame's came from a well-to-do, two-parent, wizarding family, while Peter was raised by a poor, single mother in a destitute neighborhood, and spent his entire childhood struggling to get by. James was brave, bold, and competent where Peter was bumbling, awkward, and anxious. And yet, they were the only two marauders who truly never fought- not over anything major. Their relationship was one based on absolute trust.

Which made Peter's betrayal all the more heartbreaking, because James never saw it coming. Not from Peter.

Credit to: marauders-guide-to-hogwarts (tumblr)

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