Chapter 5 -blood and water-

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As I heard the tree house door I jumped out of the shower,
"Come on y/n time to get a grip" I say to my reflection, I start to brush my (h/l) (h/c) wet hair then tie it up, I put on a baggie black shirt and boxers then head out of my bathroom, as I exit the bathroom I feel someone crash into me and hug me, it's Fiona,
"Fiona? Are you okay?" I ask sitting up, she just starts to cry, I comfort her until she pulls away,
"Y/n... I'm sorry about Gumball..." Fiona says getting up, I get up too and go sit next to Fiona on my bed,
"Why are you apologizing? I should be? You never did anything wrong?" I say putting a hand on Fiona's shoulder, she looks me straight in the eyes and smiles,
"So Marshall huh?" She changes the topic, I start to blush and look away,
"Shut up" I say pushing her playfully, she starts to laugh and I smile seeing the change in her attitude.

"How about we get all the sweets in the house and binge watch your favorite series all night?" I say getting up and heading to the stair down, I feel better knowing Fiona isn't upset with me about the Gumball thing, i hear Fiona follow me and we grab everything that we can find, I find strawberries and feel a little sad, I love strawberries...

"Hey y/n you coming?" Cake calls, I guess she was eavesdropping on mine and Fiona's conversation, grabbing the bowl of strawberries I walk to the couch. During the whole night I am watching the window eating strawberries, why do I secretly hope Marshall will show up? Eventually I see the sun rising and my body decides to tell me to go to bed, I look over to Cake and Fiona but their fast asleep, I switch off BMO and go to my room, I close my curtains, my eyes feeling the sting of sun light, I'm so tired I think to myself and flop onto my bed. As my head hits my pillow my whole body shuts down and I fall asleep.

I'm running in a dark forest, where in glob am I? I keep running and running for what feels like forever. I then hear the wind start to howl and my heart starts to race. Then out of nowhere I saw Marshall standing in the distance, I feel a sense of safety as I got closer, but then the ground started to disappear from under my feet and I saw Marshall reach to save me but he was to late, I fell for so long in complete darkness.

I shot out of bed with a cold sweet, what the glob? That was so weird, I look around my room and see the afternoon sun shining through my curtain, wow I slept all day.

"Y/n! Are you up?" I hear Fiona yelling from the other side of my door,
"Yeah Fiona" I yell back,
"Okay suppers on the table I'm going to Gumball to try sort everything out" she shouts, at her mention of Gumball and the events of yesterday I feel my heart drop, I had just forgotten about everything thanks to last night series and my nightmare. I pull my knees up trying not to cry before my door flies open, Fiona comes up to me and hugs me.

"Thanks for yesterday sis" Fiona says
"Sis?" I question very surprised, my eyes wide, Fiona smiles,
"Yep, we are humans y/n and we might be the only ones left so you're my sister, we share the same species blood, so I see you as my sister" Fiona gives me a hug, wow she sees me as her sister? Tears well up in my eyes and I smile, I hug Fiona back,
"Fiona, thank you so much" I say the tears of joy running down my face. I have a sister now, no boy problems can break us apart.

"Well I'm off to see Gumball wish me luck" Fiona shrugs and starts to leave,
"Fiona? Can you ask Gumball if there's anyway we can be friends again.." I ask casting my sad eyes down, she smiles and nods before exiting my room.

-5 hours later-

Wow it's already so late, I wonder where Fiona is? I have eaten the delicious spaghetti that Cake left for me and I've been waiting for them to come home but it's been hours, I then hear a knock from the front door, yay their back, I jump off the sofa and dash to the front door swinging it open, I freeze.

"M-Marshall??" I stutter out, my eyes grow wide as I look at the awkward looking vampire, he looks up at me with sad eyes,
"Y/n, I want to say I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you, or left without a word, I'm-" Marshall was cut off because I crashed my lips to his, I don't even know why I did it but I didn't regret it at all, I put my hands around his neck holding him tight, he snakes his arms around my waist and pulls my body closer, I feel him smiling into the kiss.

I feel him pull away but he puts his forehead to mine,
"So I guess I'm forgiven?" He smiles cockily, I make a fake mad face and pull away from him turning away and crossing my arms,
"Nope you still have to make it up to me" I pout playfully, I hear him laugh and he snakes his arms around my waist, he then kisses my neck and nuzzles into it,
"How about I take you on a date and I'll even let you choose where we go?" He mumbles softly, my cheeks grow heated and I smile, that's so sweet, I thought he was some fuckboy, but then why is he being so sweet?
"Deal" I say turning around planting a small kiss on his nose, his cheeks go red and a stupid smile goes to my face.

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