Chapter 6

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Before this chapter starts: Phil tops 2k17

"NO!! YOU RAT DIDN'T LET ME FINISH!!" Phil huffed as he crossed his lean arms over his chest. I silently sat down on my bed, indicating for him to continue speaking.

"Like I was saying," Phil cleared his throat, "I was afraid Grayce, Mya, or Makenzie was going to turn you in seeing how homophobic this place is. I myself, I'm questioning. Although I'm not so attracted to girls, I'll still date one. I have a little bit more liking to guys, but I don't really think I'd date one." Phil heaved a sigh as he laid back on my bed, spreading his pale arms above his head.

He's sooooooo hot and he looks soooooo vulnerable.....

What if I just kiss him?

I pondered over it for a second before I lost all common sense and climbed on Phil, straddling his waist.

"Woaw! What the hell are you doing!?" Phil grabbed my waist as he tried to push me off of him.

I tightened my legs at his waist, grabbed his arms and pinned them back above his head. "You." I whispered before smashing my lips onto his.

He struggled against my grip for a bit, but eventually he gave up and kissed me back. In fact, when I let him go, he slid his hands down to my hips and held them there for a minute. All of a sudden he pushes me gently, and we stop kissing, breaking apart as a single saliva strand connects our mouths before it breaks. Phil hastily gets up and sets me aside.

"I'm really sorry.... I'm just not gay...." he hesitated before he quickly walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet to take a steamy shower.

I sighed and laid back down on the bed, closing my eyes so I could just slip into a dream land in my head, not caring that I was still in my uniform and the harness and wings' box was still attached to my back and that I had a hand gun at my side. I just wanted to sleep. To start another day.

Like my dad once said, "if you ever have a problem you should just sleep. You can always wake up to a new day and start over again."

Better said than done honestly....

I got up and stripped off my uniform down to my underwear so that I could sleep comfortably. I pulled down the covers, but since it was hot I decided to just lay on top of them. I laid there in the dark just thinking about a few moments earlier. He kissed me back!!

"I'm just not gay" MY ASS!!

I quickly drifted to sleep, not noticing that I was tired earlier. As my consciousness slipped away, I heard a door unlock and open, Phil whispering "I'm sorry my fallen angel." Before closing it again and my consciousness wandering in dreams.

~Phil's backstory ((Phil's P.O.V))~

  The youngest age I could remember back to is 10. And 10 wasn't when I was in my happy times. My father, a doctor, suddenly disappeared leaving a note behind saying he was in debt but never explained further than that. You may be wondering, "well Phil, you're 18!! Why don't you remember anything before the age of 10!?"

  Here comes the honest answer: I don't know. I don't remember anything. All I have is a ring that my mom, Diana, gave me a year before she died from illness. An illness that I also ended up having and no doctor that we ever saw knew about it. They would give us various answers from the flu to Polio. They would give us ingredients so we can make the herbal medicine. But nothing worked because it wasn't a disease that was ever detected before the Nether attack.

By the time I turned 12 my mom and I were basically dead. We were barely able to walk. Two days before her birthday, the sickness disappeared from my system and I was healthy again. But my mother ended up dying on her birthday.

  Two months later, my aunt, uncle, and cousin took me in after my mom's death instead of being sent off to an orphanage. The ring was the only thing I had of hers.

  2 years later when I was 14, my uncle had a strong argument with his best friend which ended up with them having a duel with pistols. Fortunately my aunt arrived in time to be able to try and save them both, unfortunately she had launched herself at my uncle which caught him by surprise and accidentally shot her just above the hip. At the same time my uncle's friend had shot two bullets, one that shot my aunt in the head and another one that shot my uncle in the heart.

  My uncle's friend fled immediately and no one has been able to find him in the city, so everyone presumed he stole a horse and fled to the closest city disguised as a horseman.

  Two months after my relatives' deaths, I turned 15 but my cousin committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. I was at legal age to live on my own by then, but I was too deep in depression I ended up hiding behind a bakery in the Capitol's county, where the very rich lived along with Queen Louise and her daughters Harmonia, Audrey, and Pandora.

  One day the bakery's owner, Dean Laburnum, found me sleeping near the dumpster while he was throwing away crumbled wrappers. He saw me a stopped what he was doing.

"Hey kid! Go home, it's cold outside!!" Dean commanded as he started helping my up on my feet. I instantly woke up and shot him a pleading look. He sighed, wrapping an arm around my scrawny shoulders. "I see what's happening here. RONNIE!! AUSTIN!! COME HELP THIS BOY!!"

From then on, the Laburnum family took care of me. They ended up adopting me a month later, but I decided to keep my mother's last name as another memory of hers. Liddie Laburnum reminded me so much like my mom. Liddie was a sweet and caring mother to Ronnie and Austin. She treated me like her own child too. Ronnie and Austin were twins who were nice, but they were also tricksters and very mischievous. They were 5 months older than me, so when I went to go see if I was sorted, I found out they both got sorted with the Warriors with me.

From there on, my life built up and I became strong and lean. Liddie said I went from a scrawny rat to Jensen Ackles hot. Whenever I asked who Jensen Ackles was, she would just laugh and pat my head.

I guess Ronnie and Austin got to my head, because they were players, as in they dated everyone. Sometimes took them to bed regardless of gender. They had set me up with a couple of people and told me to "experiment". I eventually did and that is why I'm not a virgin.

I liked taking on girls better, but guys were good too. But when I saw Dan that day I walked out of lunch, something turned. I don't think I like him though. I just think he'd be a great friend. Also he's from the Howell family. His mother was the Captain of the Scouters, and his father is Captain of the Defenders on the north flank. Dan has a younger brother who was sorted into the Planners because he was top of all his classes ever. High class right there but they decided to live on the outer skirts of London.

  The Howell family is one of the many important residents, but they've earned peace so no one treats them so high and mighty.

  I could get a good friend out of Dan Howell. But I don't want to hurt him.

  I unlock the door to the bathroom and open it slightly, peeking to the other side just to make sure Dan was sleeping, his chest slowly rising and falling at a steady pace.

  "I'm sorry, my fallen angel..."

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