Chapter 5

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  "Next!!" A red head guy screamed as the person in front of me walked away with their weapon and gear. "Alright, first off, hello my name is Roderick." The guy, Roderick, introduced. "My name is Dan" I introduced.

  "Well Dan, today I'm going to help you get ready. Alright. Are you good with aim from a distance or up close?" Roderick walked to the back, me trailing behind him. "Mm... maybe from a distance." I hummed, following him as he moved to the hand guns and bow and arrows. "Bow and arrows or hand guns?" He questioned. "Hand gun." I smiled, my eyes landing on a silver looking weapon. "Good choice. Here..," He grabbed the gun I was staring at, "try this one." He handed my the Marlin BFR. I grabbed the gun, fitting so perfectly in my hand. "That looks really cool. And the good part is that we programmed the guns so the pitch can only be heard by pure blood humans. So if you shoot at the Netherlings, they'll never see or hear it coming." Roderick exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Let's move on to your gear!! This is the most exciting part!! Wings or cords!?" He questioned, moving to where all the gear was placed. "What are the wings?" I curiously asked, peeking over his shoulder to look at the items. "OH MY GODS!! LET ME SHOW YOU!!" He scrambled to pick up a pair of wings that were bronze looking. He placed them on his back, over his cape so it didn't disturb the wings. Then they started to flap, lifting him off the ground just a bit. I placed the Marlin in the side pouch on my belt, just to make sure no accidents happen. "Oh my God they look amazing!!!"

"I know right!! They are programmed to feel the human's nerve system that travels to the middle of your back. Just give a command in your body, and your wings do it. Although they can start failing because they don't run on battery, just human brain power, they could need reprogramming to keep the commands accurate. Reprogramming is easy though!!" Roderick explained in one breath. He quickly pressed a button and unbuckled himself. "Let me teach you real quick."

"So all you have to do is open this latch to open to the point of the wings. You press this red button and type 0187. Press enter and it automatically resets." He handed me the wings, and I slipped them on. All of a sudden I felt a pinch at the middle of my back. I jumped but I find myself hovering above the ground, the wings flapping behind me. "YES YOU GOT THE HANG SO QUICKLY!!" Roderick exclaimed, jumping up and down.

  I willed the wings to let me down, and so they did. "These are so cool!!" I look at the wings with excitement. "Welp you're all set let me just get your box of bullets. Here are some blades that I recommend you use to finish killing off the Netherling. Remember to slice the base of their throat to be completely sure they are dead." He quickly explained while he handed me two blades and my supply of bullets.

  "Good luck, Dan!!" Roderick screamed before going to help another soldier. I kept the wings on because they looked really cool. Once I stepped foot outside, I leaped into the air and took flight. I could see the base below me. I flew around a bit, noticing that other people also had wings on but they weren't flying. It felt good to be off the ground. That's when I turned around and saw the outside. The outside... the land beyond the wall borders. It looked majestic. So much free land, forests and broken down roads. At least that's what they called them before Netherlings attacked. Back when technology was thriving and one of the most common things. I looked back down to see that Phil was walking out of the building.

  "PHIL!!" I exclaimed. Too much excitement messed with my nerves that I started to drop. I screamed as I was plunging to my death. Phil saw me and quickly flew to me, catching me in his arms bridal style. We flew a bit higher while he held onto me. "Now what do you think you were doing?" Phil asked me while shifting me so I was being hugged against his chest. "I got excited so my wings failed me and I fell." I giggled, hugging him as a silent thanks for saving me. "I guess I now have the right to call you a fallen angel!!" Phil chirped.

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