Chapter 18

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I wake up at 9 and get ready for the appointment. I wake shawn up and as he gets dressed I make eggs and spinach. I've been getting better at eating healthy and cooking more. I hear Shawn come down the starts but hear a big thud. I turn around to see shawn at the bottom of the stars just looking at the ground. "Oh my gosh. Shawn are you okay?" He starts laughing. Once he is done he replies "Always knew those stairs were gonna get me for going down then too fast with socks" I just laugh and hand him his plate. After we are done we put our shoes on and head to get find out the genders of my babies. On the way we jam to music as always. Once we get there I sign in and wait.
"Nash Grier"
I get looks as I follow the doctor.
I lay down on the bed thing. She puts some gel on my stomach and starts moving around the wand. She plays the heart beats for me.
"Okay are you ready for the genders"
I nod my head yes.
"Ok baby number one is a....girl"
I smile wide
"Baby number two is a....girl too"
My smile goes bigger.
"And baby number three is a...boy. Two girls and a boy Mr. Grier"
I just smile not trusting my voice scared I'll start crying. I'm so happy just what I wanted. All three babies are healthy and I found out their genders. Only thing missing is Cam. I'm mailing a letter to him tomorrow I am too scared to tell him about the babies. I'm scared to live with out him I'm scared to have these babies with out him. They won't have their father. I have shawn to help me through this.

Shawn and I get home and I take my vitamins and eat lunch. Taylor walks down the stairs and looks like he has a major hangover. Ha karma
"Ugh my head is killing me"
"Well take some medicine"
He groans and says "shut the f.uck up I just said I have a head ache dumb.ass"
I start to cry cause being pregnant I'm way emotional.
"Why don't you go leave Taylor you ruined my life enough. Cam id in prison because of you and you have no right to yell at me just because your dumb ass got dirt drunk last night"
Taylor turns to me and yes in my face.
"First off its Cam's own fault he got himself in prison. Second off I am not leaving this is MY house"
I just laugh "this isn't your house. This is Cameron and Shawn's house. Never was yours never will be not get off your high pedestal and get out of my face"
Taylor quickly gets mad. That's what he is known for. And Taylor slaps me hard enough to make me fall.  Shawn who has been watching this whole time goes and punches Taylor as I'm on the ground crying.
"Leave you bi.txh we are over and don't think I didn't know about you cheating on me with trey. If you ever touch Nash of his kids again you are dead now leave!" Shawn is just screaming at Taylor and Taylor turns grabs his wallet and keys and leaves.
Shawn helps me off the ground and gets and I've pack for me. We go and cuddle on the couch as we both cry and watch Moana then both footlooses' then Mean Girls 1 then white chicks and fall asleep to Peter Pan.

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