Chapter 14

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Two nights after Taylor caught them.

Cams pov----
Me and Nash are cuddling on the couch. Taylor left yesterday but he wouldn't even look at me or Nash. "I love you baby boy " he looks up to me and smiles. "I love you so much"
I kiss him. But soon are interrupted but a knock at the door. I stand up and go to answer it. It's the police.
No how could Taylor do this to me. Cameron act cool come on.
"Hello officer what brings you here"
"Hi are you Cameron Alexander Dallas"
"Uhh yes sir that's me"
"Well you are under arrest for sexually offending a minor" Nash runs to the door as he puts hand cuffs on me.
"No please you can't take him. Cam is all I have"
"Sir he committed a illegal crime. No one is above the law"
Nash starts crying. This can't happen no please.  "Please can I at least say good bye to him" the officer who's name is Daryl looks at me and Nash "fine you get five min" By now Shawn is here and holding Nash but soon Nash breaks free and hugs me. "Cam you can't go. I need you." I start crying seeing him cry. "I'm sorry baby but what I did was illegal. I want you to forget me ok. I want to go move on to someone your age. I love you and I will always love you but as they say if you love something you let it go"
He sobs more and it hurts so much "but they al-also say if it c-comes back I-I-it was meant t-to stay."
"Baby I won't be back for a while. I love you and I will always but please stay strong"
"Ok five min are up let's go Cameron"
"Bye baby I love you"
Shawn has to pull him back as the officer puts me in the back seat and starts to drive off. I see Nash trying to run after me but soon falls to the ground sobbing.
He needs to forget

A/n sooo this is gonna end soon but I'm thinking of a sequel already and the impossible happens in it. Just wait please. Thank you for voting. I love you gummy llamas

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