Special Guests!

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Chapter Four: Two Special guests!

Yellowfang and Nightcloud!

"Welcome to the Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw show!" Squirrelflight bounced into her chair, not caring whether Brambleclaw was ready or not.

"Hey!" Brambleclaw ran out, putting some cool shades on and slipping into his chair. "We have two special guests today: Yellowfang and Nightcloud!"

An old, grey she-cat and a black she-cat came onto the show. Nightcloud was singing: "if I was your girlfriend I'd never let you go. Crowy, I'd take you places you'd never been before..."

"What did I say about no Justin Bieber?" Yellowfang snarled.

"We're not on your show!" Nightcloud squealed, happy to find a loophole.

"Welcome, Yellowfang and Nightcloud!"

Nightcloud wasn't listening. She stared at the camera-cat.

"Her?!" she shrieked. "Leaf-poo? The cat that stole my Crowy?! She's your Camera-cat?! No!"

"Crowy, if you're listening, here's a special song I wrote for you!"

"No," Yellowfang, Squirrelflight, and Brambleclaw all groaned.

"♪ Oh, oh, Crowy, if you're listening

I want you to know that my face is glistening,

Because of all the tears you brought,

Because of what you thought,


I'm nothing, nothing, nothing to you,

You just want to be through

With me!

And go with this Leaf-poo!


I don't want trouble with you,

I just want this to be through!

I don't like seeing you with Leaf-poo!

But I gotta hold on,

To the belief that one day,

You'll come back to me and say,

"Oh, Nighty, you were right,

And I'm sorry for the fight,

I'll stay with you for the end of time,

Never, never, to go with that leaf-grime!"

And we'll end this love-hate triangle!

Because I don't like Leafy-poo!

The only thing that matters,

In my world is you!

So, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh,

I just want to let you know,

And to tell and show,

That I still love you yet

Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh,

You still don't love me I bet!

But I see the way it goes,

Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh,

You're still mating WindClan's foes!

So, yeah, that's my song to my Crowy!" Nightcloud took her seat, looking embarrassed.

There was an awkward silence.

"Thank you, for that unplanned bit of singing," Squirrelflight said, breaking the pause.

"Crowy's still with me, even though you sang that song. He doesn't even watch the Yellowfang and Nightcloud show! Only the Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw show, because sometimes I fill in for my sister!" Leafpool growled.

"Yeah, Nightcloud, Crowfeather is with my sister! #CrowxLeaf!"

"Hey!" Nightcloud got out of her chair again. "Hashtags are my thing! And you defended my arch nemesis!" the black tabby broke into song again:

"There's nobody Leaf-poo can beat,

'Cause she's at the bottom of the heap!

There's no one that I can't beat,

'Cause on me, Crowy is sweet!

'Cause without you, my life is sweet.

I don't know why Crowy prefers you,

It's just a big mistake!

I am the real one,

And Leafy-poo's just a fake.

Your son hates you anyway,

So just give my Crowy away!"

"Anyway, we're here to pose a question to our listeners! Who is the better mother? Who turned out better? It's Shadow vs. Wind, guys! Vote online!" Squirrelflight mewed.







"STOP!" Crowfeather ran on, which was a mistake. Leafpool and Nightcloud launched themselves at him. Squirrelflight ran into Nightcloud, knocking her aside. Nightcloud growled and leapt at Squirrelflight, yowling a few choice words.

"NightxCrow forever!"

"LeafxCrow forever!"

"No!" Crowfeather ran off the stage with Leafpool chasing him. "Crowy, come back!"

"#imgettingattackedbyashe-catwhydoialwaysgetattacked!" Squirrelflight screamed and she typed madly on her iPhone 5s while Nightcloud chased her around after Crowfeather and Leafpool.

"Don't your shows always end up like this?" Brambleclaw asked Yellowfang, who was just sitting there, watching the whole fight. She nodded.

"Yeah. They do."

"Let's turn it off before some queen sues us for putting 'G' rating on our episode disks when it's probably like PG-12Moons," Brambleclaw suggested. He turned to the camera, waved and said, "Next episode: will Squirrelflight survive? Or will Nightcloud kill her and then proceed to kill Leafpool so that she has Crowfeather all to herself? You'll see next episode!"

Yellowfang shut off the camera and dragged Nightcloud off the stage, who was still yelling choice words at Squirrelflight.

Okay, guys, who would you want to be your mother: Nightcloud or Yellowfang? Just for the moment, I'd say Yellowfang, if she wasn't a medicine cat. You can say that, go ahead. Siblings! Breeze or Broken? I'd say Breeze 'cept he's kind of annoying! Next up: Worst Mother Ever!


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 04, 2017 ⏰

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