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Chapter Two: Thunder or River? I must stay in Thunder. Yes, it's Bluestar!

Episode Two: Thunder or River? I must stay in Thunder.

Brambleclaw strolled onto the stage. Squirrelflight ran after him, clutching a book.

"Hey, everybody! Welcome to the Thunder High School Show! We're reviewing What's it like in StarClan? By my sister Leafy-pool!"

Brambleclaw looked confused.

"Okay, two things. Aren't we calling it the Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw Show? And, we're not reviewing a book in this episode; we're doing that next time."


"Yes, Squirrely."

"Only my sister calls me that, Bramblebaby!"

"Well, anyway, let's all welcome Bluestar!" Brambleclaw yowled, quieting his mate.

"Hey, everybody!" the blue-furred she-cat waltzed onto the stage.

"So, Bluestar, who was your mate?"

"Oakheart. I loved him! He was so handsome and brave, and then Redtail chased him under a rock that fell on top of him and he died!"

"That's sad," Brambleclaw mewed. "Who were your kits?"

"Mistyfoot, Stonepelt, and Mosskit. But little Mossykins died. However, Mistykins lived to be Mistystar, RiverClan leader! But it was so hard, leaving my kits. But I had to, understand!"

"Yes, you did! And you saved ThunderClan from Thistleclaw! But your sister Snowfur was his mate. What was your take on this?" Squirrelflight read off the script.

Bluestar growled, "Snowfur was blinded by her love for him. She never realized what terror he would bring. Luckily, I helped raise Whitestorm in his mother's absence."

"Didn't you tell Fireheart?"



"Because I felt I could trust him."

"Thanks, Bluestar! #blueyisawesome!" Squirrelflight mewed happily.

"No!" Brambleclaw groaned. "We are not doing hashtags!"

Yeah! Go Bramblebaby! SquirrelxBramble! I'm the only one (probably) who wanted AshxPoppy. Idk why.  Oh, well

Next episode: Book Review! + Special guest: the author! It's in this episode. Whoops. I gave it away. 


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