Chapter 2

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Why did I agree to this? I'm sitting here in the Red Revival, watching girls swoon over Kyle, and I'm really quite fed up. 

I spent one whole day planning my outfit (a light denim shirt dress with a lace insert, a pair of white high-tops and a white handbag. Just in case you were wondering.) and another six ours making a map of the town. But he said when I gave it to him was "huh" in a totally unimpressed voice. 

"There is nothing fun here, you said this mall would be fun," He said. He is so annoying. 

"I never said we were going to be in the mall. Come on." I climbed up the service ladder. 

"What the heck are you doing? We'll get caught." He exclaimed. I couldn't wait, I just pulled him up. 

"WOW" is all he could say, This was my favorite place in the city. From there you could see the whole city and feel the fresh breeze. 

I was beginning to cheer up, when he ruined the atmosphere by going, "This place is quite crap actually." 

At that I grew really mad. I began shouting at him. I said things I'll probably regret later on. Then, I ran away. From behind me I could here Kyle calling me but I didn't stop. 



"And then he said he killed his grandparents and said he wasn't kidding then......................" 

I'm so glad I have a friend like Ashley, she hasn't said a word since I started talking. 

".......................And he said that the place was crap."  

Suddenly Ashley asked me, "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" 

"Um,... nothing." 


I rushed out of class as quickly as I could and headed towards my locker, determined to get there, get the stuff I needed out, put the stuff I didn't need in and leave there before Kyle got there. 

But the man in the clouds must have still had it in for me because Kyle was gaining on me and by the time I'd reached my locker, he was right beside me. 

OK. Keep cool Cassidy. Ignore the amazingly hot jerk beside you. 

"Hey are you mad at me?" He asked. 

I opened my locker. 

"Well just so you know, I didn't mean it." He continued. 

I put my books inside my locker. 

"I was just joking around, you know that right?" 

I took my sketchbook out of my locker. 

"Cassidy?" Hew sounded really desperate, thank God I didn't have him next period, "Say something." He paused, "Anything." 

I walked away. 


I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, wallowing in my sorrows, when my called me from downstairs, "Cassidy!" 

"What!" I shouted back, unhappy to be interrupted. 

"You've got a visitor!" She shouted back. I moaned. Not wanting to move, I said, "Tell them to come to my room." 

After this there was a moment of silence then there was the sound of footsteps as the visitor climbed up the stairs and walked across the landing to get to my room. 

I turned to face the door as it creaked open. At seeing who the visitor was my face fell. 

What are you doing here?" 


I stood in the doorway, facing a very pissed off Cassidy. I had no idea what to say, it was quite clear that she would take anything I said as an offence. Nervously I answered her question, "I just, err, I just wanted to see you." 

"Why? So you could make more fun of me?" 

I winced at that, "Well, no." I paused, "I want to apologize." 

"What for? Being a major jerk or taking advantage of me?" 

"Wait, I've never taken advantage of..." 

"Save it Kyle!" 


"But nothing!" By now, she was pacing, enraged, on her bed, "You are nothing but a major jerk who cares about nothing but himself and..." 

"Shut up!" She stopped pacing, "I really don't care what you have to say for yourself!" She looked up at the ceiling trying to catch her breath. She shook her head and sighed. 

"You know what, just get out!" 


"But nothing! Just. Get. Out." In a defeated voice she added, "Please just... just go." 

"Cassidy, I..." I stopped myself and looked carefully at her. It was quite clear that there was nothing that I could say that would make up for what I'd to her. Except maybe, "Bye." 

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