Chapter 16

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**|Sang's POV|**

I stare at my screen, trying to process all the numbers for Mr. Corsan's expense report when movement catches my eye. The way the suite is set up is that the walls separating our main office from the hallway facing the kitchenette is all glass so we can see who is walking around. The wall Arlene's cubical is pressed up against is frosted glass to give her a bit more privacy. We have double glass doors opening into our office and it gives us a clear view of the elevator in the corner.

We don't have a lot of people up here unless a meeting is going on so I know it's one of the boys. I look up and watch as Luke strolls by. He glances at me, sending me a huge grin before disappearing into the kitchenette. He's in there for only seconds before he's coming back out with a tray of my cupcakes and what looks like slices of the carrot cake.

I couldn't stop the curl of my lip as he winks at me and continues on, disappearing behind the frosted glass as he heads back to his temporary office. I shake my head. He really likes his sweets.

I think about when I came into work. He didn't even give me time to feel awkward about seeing him again. He smiled, offered me a strawberry candy, made small talk, and then waved as he went to his office. Simple.

Gabriel did the same. He came up here, asked about how I was doing, commented on my hair, and then went back downstairs to work.

I don't know what to do with that. I'm so used to not seeing someone after having sex with them and those two men so easily changed everything. I guess I should feel grateful that they are making this easy on me. I just need to use their actions as a cue on how to act around them.

"That has to be the third time he's gone to get snacks from the kitchen," Arlene remarks with humor in her voice.

I send her a small smile and shrug. "At least none of it is going to waste. I went a little crazy baking yesterday."

Arlene frowns. "Is something wrong? You only ever bake like that when something is bothering you. I believe last time was because of that rude client. I'm glad Mr. Corsan came to your defense and dropped him."

A fond smile grows on my lips at the thought. The client was rude and inappropriate, expecting something I wasn't willing to give to him. Mr. Corson overheard him trying to talk himself into my pants and right then and there told him to leave and that he wasn't welcomed here. Not many employers would drop a client for an employee but Mr. Corsan wasn't them. Not by a long shot. I learned quickly how well he takes care of his clients.


I blink out of the memories and focus on Arlene. "So, what?" I ask, trying to remember what she asked.

"What got you worked up over the weekend?"

I'm not comfortable telling her so I just respond with a shrug. She frowns but, thankfully, returns to her work. I'm just finishing up the report when the door opens and Nathan comes strolling in. His blue eyes focus on me as he scratches at the light stubble on his angled chin. His gait is smooth and confident as he walks up to my desk.

"Hi, Sang," he says in a deep voice.

"Good morning," I flash him my professional smile. "How may I help you?"

"My team has decided to put me in charge of taking everyone's photos for their new IDs and I wanted to start with you. And then maybe you can help me wrangle everyone in to get their photos too."

I looked down at my To Do list and schedule before nodding. "I can spare some time."

"Great." His smile widens. "I have us set up in the conference room for today since there weren't any scheduled meetings."

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