Chapter 15

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**|Sang's POV|**

Saturday left me in a daze. I don't remember most of what happened after Luke left. I know I ate the chocolate chip pancakes and enjoyed every single bite of it. I also know I cleaned my apartment because today, I noticed an old stain from my chinese takeout on the floor was now gone. Other then that, I keep drawing a blank, coming up with nothing but Luke.

He had kept going beyond my expectations that night. Not just with the amazing sex but also with my challenges. I expected him to leave when I told him that night was a one time deal and he didn't. He accepted that I refused to go into my bedroom with him, having to make due with all the interesting surfaces of my living room. He accepted the fact that he had to be gone by morning, and despite the homecooked breakfast, he was. He accepted everything I wanted from him. He tried to push back but when I pushed harder, he let it go.

I figured he would have left before either of us reached an orgasm, but he stuck around. Breaking my expectations despite him definitely not the one-night stand type.

What does that mean for me?

There is no way he's going to let this drop. That isn't who he is. He doesn't sleep around. I could tell.

He's a hearts and flowers kind of guy.

And I'm just not that kind of girl.

I don't think so anyway.

My computer screen going to sleep draws me out of my thoughts and I look down at the black screen of my laptop. I was in my own head for thirty minutes—that's the timer I set on my laptop to go to sleep at. I swiped my finger across the touchpad and it flares back to life. I stare at the white screen and frown.

Nothing is written. My blog post is due today and I still didn't have anything written.

I place the laptop next to me on the couch and lean back, closing my eyes, which turns out to be a very bad idea. All I see is Luke and Gabriel behind my eyelids, touching me, kissing me, pleasuring. New fantasies rose and I jump to my feet pacing.

This is wrong.

I can't think of them like this because there won't be another time. All I'll do is work myself up. I stare at my hands and shake them out, needing to do something. Anything.

I storm my kitchen and look at my meager options; I really do need to restock my kitchen. But for now, I find what I need to make banana bread. Apparently at some point during the week, I bought bananas despite not knowing when. I pull everything out and leave it on the counter.

I've been too lost in my head recently and it's unsettling.

I pace around my kitchen for a few moments, trying to recollect all my thoughts and reign myself in. After a few long minutes of doing this, I leave my kitchen and enter the family room but come to a sudden stop. Images of me and Luke last night play out right in front of me; on the couch, on the coffee table, on the floor. My whole body tingles and comes alive. The way our bodies moved, slicked with sweat. The taste and feel of his kisses.

His dick deep inside me.

I shake my head, ridding the non PG movie playing in front of me quickly.

Giving up on thoughts of baking, I quickly shut my laptop away and slip it into its bag before slipping on my shoes, grabbing my handbag and laptop before exiting the apartment, unable to sit and get lost in the memories of being with Luke.

There's a nice coffee shop not too far away. That's where I'll go so I can focus on the blog for a couple of hours without getting lost in my thoughts. I should be able to focus but if I don't then...

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