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❝ She does not like to play by the rules, and neither do they. ❞ |

Earth. The year 3000. 

~F e a t u r i n g~

 A game. 

Billions, promised better lives, playing to win.

Player 690862. A girl who knows too much.

In a world ravaged by overpopulation and pollution, Alex lives with his widowed father and sister in poverty, their mother having disappeared long ago. To win recruitment into the secret intelligence to provide for the family, Alex enters a computer game - A virtual reality both unnerving and beautiful. Where she will fight, just like everyone else, to win.

But she is delving not just into a game of survival, but into a cavern of secrets. Join Alex in a tale of love, life, and death as she discovers what it truly means to join Argent, and the meaning of the two words embedded at the heart of everything - The Paragon.

Paragon {Heart of a Valkyrie Book I}Where stories live. Discover now