Chapter 8

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Why do my sisters love to write a diary?

They're both an ahjumma!

"This is not mine. I don't girls especially that Neat Freak Student Council President!" I said to Seungho.

He might misunderstand things.

"Ok. I believe you" He said and smile.


What a charming guy!

"By what section are you?" He ask.

Now that one.

"It's misfortune. I'm in the first section" I said.

"How was it a misfortune? You made it to the first section" He said.

"First section are for smart kids. Look at me. Do I look like someone who cares about my grades? Those things won't decide who would I be in the future. Those are just things telling you how you're doing in school" I irritably said.

I don't like school.

He giggled.

"You're awesome. Unfortunately, we're not on the same section. Our classroom was on the other end of the hallway but if you're not busy. You can watch us practice in the music room this afternoon" He said.

"You're a member of the school band?" I ask and he nodded.

I wanted to ask more but the damn stupid bell rings so everyone came rushing to their classrooms.

"See around" Seungho said and run to the other end of the hallway.

He's so cute.

But then,

I look at the diary on my hand.

It would be great to piss my unnies off with this.

I put it inside my bag and headed to the classroom.

But someone came same time as me in front of the door.

Our eyes met.

Things that happen earlier flashback to my mind so I immediately look away and I think she did the same.

Damn it!


I decided to just ignore her and get inside but then it was a wrong move.

She on to doing the same thing and we ended up bumping at each other touching the knob at the same time.

I do admit her hand was so soft.

Well, not that surprising coz she's a neat freak.

**clears throat**

"Get in first" I said and let go of the knob.

"Remember this Ms. Park. If you're not wearing your school uniform on the next day I'll be sending you to detention." She said

"Tss. You wish" I said.

"Oh seems like you really love having my attention Ms Park." She said.

I frown and look at her.

What the hell does she mean by that?

She smirked at me.

"Are you that desperate to get close to me?" She said and wink at me before she get inside.

Just A Matter Between Love And Hate (Eunyeon)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt