Unlike Jaeho, Kyungil was far from excited about this sudden "car trip" to wherever they're going. He was also stuck next to Yijeong. Which he didn't exactly "hate" but at this current situation, he did. He didn't want the younger to notice him feeling unwell. He didn't want him and the other members to worry about him. He's their leader. He's not supposed to get sick. The others shouldn't have to worry about him or take care of him. That's his job. The leader's job, he thought to himself.

The car ride didn't help his current health status either. He started to feel warmer and nauseous. He didn't feel the need to throw up but the feeling was unsettling and uncomfortable. Since he didn't want the others to notice, he kept a straight face and kept looking out the window. Yijeong noticed that something was wrong but he didn't want to possibly annoy the other so he tried to just ignore the situation. It was hard for him. Extremely hard. All he wanted to do was to embrace their leader and show him that he cares, alot...But he knows that it will only upset him. Yijeong knows that Kyungil thinks that since he's the leader, he has so many responsibilities. Though that's true, his health should come first.

All of the members had fallen aslep, even Kyungil. The only one who's awake is the maknae himself, Yijeong. He tried to sleep but the person next to him has his full attention. Yijeong doesn't like seeing their leader in this condition. He sees his pain and discomfort. "I wish he would just talk to me", he quietly mumbles to himself before drifting off to sleep, leaning his head against the window.

2 hours later, they've arrivied at their still unknown destination...

The members wakes up to the sound of a car door being closed, quite aggressively. One by one, the boys exits the car. It was more like a van than a car, since all 5 members fit in it. Their leader was the last one out of the van. He looked like he would faint at any moment. He manages to still keep a straight face, even though he's most likely slowly dying inside. "Where are we?", Jaeho asked in a confused voice. They looked around them and realized they're in the middle of the woods. "Wtf are we doing out here?", Dokyun asked in a concerned voice.

The driver, Kim, couldn't be found anywhere.

"Where is Kim?", asked Sihyoung also in a concerned and slight scared voice.

The boys were so focused on trying to figure out where they were that they didn't even realize that the van is now gone. There were only two tent bags, a large box containing what's persumed to be food and some type of beverage. Some flashlights and lanterns were also found near the other stuff. The boys started to get a little scared. They were out in the woods, all alone. Yijeong found a note behind the big box.

The note reads:

"Hello, boys.
We thought it would be a good time for you all to try out the camping life, since we'll do more stuff like this later on. Kim, I and the team are close by, so don't worry. We left you the supplies you'll need. Two tents, one is for three people and the other is for two people. Who sleeps where is for you all to figure out. There's also a box with food and drinks, flashlights, lanterns and a BBQ. We'll pick you all up at 2pm tomorrow. Have fun. / Manager"

"WHAT?!?!!".. "THEY JUST LEFT US HERE?!", screams Sihyoung.
"Try out the camping life, my ass...", says an unamused Dokyun.
"Yaah! Why are you two so grumpy? This is gonna fun!", says the overly excited Jaeho.

The only person who hasn't spoken since the drive here.. is Kyungil. Yijeong began to worry. The leader had wandered off somewhere, no one knew where. The other boys had spent about an hour on just complaining about the whole situation, while also trying to calm down the excited Jaeho. The time was now close to 2pm. The leader haven't come back yet, which made Yijeong get anxious and even more worried. He kept looking around him, seeking for their precious little leader but he was nowhere to be seen.

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