XIV. | "Chill, Dummy."

Start from the beginning

"Physically, I'm a little more than sore, and my face is still throbbing from almost getting my skull kicked in..." His facial features might've been scratched and bruised from the combination of fights he experienced that day, but it was a wonder there wasn't blood leaking from any orifice. Must've been one of the benefits that came from being half-a-god. He also didn't want to keep bringing a focus back to the afterschool ambush, but every time he kept pushing it away, it kept coming back to the front of his mind.

"...But otherwise, I'll live. Scars and bruises have never slowed me down before." His visage stood classically neutral and stoic as he recounted, at least temporarily. "Mentally..." He hesitated with his next response.

"Mentally, I think I just want things to slow down. It's like I learn something new every day...for better or for worse. It just feels like I haven't had time to process it all. I don't even know what was done with my grandmother's body..." Such a thought made him realize that he hadn't been back to the house since the incident. Willow rubbed his shoulder for comfort. It made him think of the positives.

"Glad I met you guys, though." He commented. "Never could talk to my grandma the way I can with you. And I never really got to know any of my extended family." He paused, looking for the right words to say next. "When you dropped me off this morning, I felt like you were way too attached to someone you've only met a week ago." The bluntness in Gabe's tone made the nymph frown a bit.

"But now, I kinda understand. You, and Sister Dawn, and Red Ash and everyone...you all fill that bit of a blank my, uh...lack of a family left." Seemed like something the kid found hard to admit, but he felt a sense of relief once he did. Willow's arm transitioned into a full embrace.

"It makes me so happy to hear that." She answered softly, her smile genuine and modest. It was a level of comfort the boy had never experienced before. He wanted his problems to melt away, wanted to fall asleep in her arms. And knowing Willow, she probably would've let him. That is, if they weren't sitting high up in someone else's tree.

...And if something else didn't catch her attention. Her nose twitched, a certain pungent scent invading her nostrils. She perked up, garnering the Harvestchild's attention. "Willow? What's up?" As he asked, he noticed the ambient conversations of the other nymphs began to die down. Some began standing, some started hiding their children. It was clear they were growing alerted.

"Another demigod...I think. It's not super clear, but they're nearby." Her reply made the boy perk up straight as well. "Again?" His brow furrowed, he was growing miffed. Whoever it was, they were cutting in on prime bonding time. He had an idea who it might've been.

"I already told them no earlier-" His grumblings were cut short, as a dull, heavy THUD made landfall just a couple of steps away from the Elder Tree. Somebody had landed smack dab in the middle of the communal and was using something to shroud their person. Nymphs in the immediate area flipped from "Alert" to "Assault Mode" almost instantly; those with weapons quickly brought them forward.

The apparently transparent individual shimmered deceptively against the dim light of night and removed their helmet. As the cloak dropped, her gray wings folded against her back as she adjusted her glasses.

"You girls should know the ins and outs of this park, maybe you all can help me find somebody!" She boastfully announced to the alarmed crowd.

Willow and Gabriel descended from the tree. "A Valkyrie? Here...?" The dryad whispered. Her guise of intrigue contrasted the Harvestchild's signature scowl. Where Willow was hesitant in her approach, Gabe sped up his gait. His heart began to race as his adrenaline began to spike. He didn't know who the bird girl was, but he knew damn sure she couldn't hang around for long. Judging by the earlier encounter, he knew too many demigods in one place was a bad idea. Ferals could discover the communal the longer she lingered about.

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