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"Whatcha up to?" You ask curiously as you walk into your shared home with Paige, Cassie and Jake.

"Rereading my lines." Paige answers sounding stressed out.

"Biology homework." Cass groans.

"I'm writing." Jake responds vaguely.

"Writing what?" You wonder, walking up to the couch and sitting next to him.

The girls continued their own stuff at the kitchen table and payed no mind to their obviously smitten roommates.

"Just a screenplay. It's not very good." He explains and rubs the back of his neck.

"I'm sure it's great. It is being written by you after all." You compliment with a smile.

"I hope so." He chuckles.

"What's it about?" You continue.

"It's a romance that takes place in the 90's in Seattle." He informs.

"Ooo, the grunge era." You laugh. "Love me some Nirvana."

"Oh, we all know you love that time and place." Cassie sing songs playfully.

"Cas." Jake hisses in warning.

"What's the plot?" You question, leaning closer to Jake in an attempt to see the script.

"She's more of a rocker chick and the guy doesn't think he's cool enough for her so he doesn't tell her how he feels. She starts talking to this punk musician and then the love triangle takes place." He states.

"Who does she end up with?" Paige calls from the other side of the room.

"What?" Jake sputters.

"Does she end up with the shy guy or the punk musician?" Cas clarifies.

"I haven't figured it out yet, but the shy guy I hope." He breathes.

"Well, I think the story will be great either way." You encourage.

"I, personally, think she'd be better off with the musician. He seems more willing to be with her and offers her some excitement." Paige drawls with a smirk 

"No way! Paige, what the hell. She should obviously be with the shy boy who's always been there for her." Cas argues.

"Have you guys read the script?" You ask curiously.

"No, but we can tell." Paige replies.

"You can tell what?" Jake questions and gazes at the girls with an odd look.

"Tell what the inspiration of the storyline is, obviously." Cassie mumbles in response.

"Well, I'm going to go work now. I'm feeling very out of the loop." You conclude warily as your roommates all stared at each other.

"Have fun!" Paige calls with a kind smile.

"You too, good luck on set today." You grin back.

You gather your keys, phone and purse and go through the door, leaving the awkward tension behind.

You worked at a small record shop near The Grove and loved your job. The music was amazing and the vinyls were beautiful.

A perk of the job was that your co-worker was a guy a year older than you who was exceptionally gorgeous and had an amazing taste in music.

"Hey, Y/N! How're you?" Kade, your co-worker, asks warmly as you get situated at the till beside him behind the counter.

"I'm good actually, how about you?" You answer.

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