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April 8, 2017. Exact day I was leaving El Paso, TX with all my friends and my school generation. 52 students, 5 teachers.
There's a program at my school 'multicultural' were your three years of middle school they show you 3 different lenguages, one each year, french, dutch, and italian, did we learn fluid? No one. Did we learn something? Kind of.

I was so excited for this trip, it was the very first time I was visiting Europe, but I was basically the only one excited, all those rich kids already had went there at least 3 times. But I wasn't letting that ruin my trip. From El Paso we made scale in Dallas, tx, and from Dallas direct to Paris, France. Ready to begin the trip, we were in Paris and I still couldn't believe it, everything was different from where I live but still I didn't felt like somewhere else than my country. 

Paris was so amazing, it was a dream come true, we spent 4 days there. The second night in the hotel, I was with my roommate, her name is Monica, she is the baddest influencive girl I've ever met in my life. Long story short, she brought a guy in our room, he stayed for a while with us, when the teacher came to check on us, he was still in there, the room was pretty but not that big to hide someone, so he just hide on the bathroom until the teacher leave. But actually that wasn't the worst thing that happened that night. I smoked, my first time smoking was in Paris, France.

Some of you might think, that's not a big deal, but for me, it was! I've never drink in my life, I had never hooked up with someone, or even kissed somone before!! I pee holy water!!!!!! Literally. So yeah, I smoke not 1 cigarettes, not 2 cigarettes, NOT 3 cigarettes, but 4.
I smoked 4 cigarattes, and I have no idea what french cigarettes have inside but I was high as fuck. I couldn't even think about what I was saying, but the only good thing is that until now just 4 people know I smoked. And my best friend keeps reminding me of that time, making me regret I told him, my good/bad/terrible experience. (It wasn't that bad), Would I do it again? Maybe

Maybe I don't pee holy water anymore.

Spain was amazing, people were so cool with us, and everything was so easy, why? SPANISH. People talking spanish in Spain made everything more easy for us. I was no longer roomate with Monica and was more simple, maybe she would keep laughing of how high I was that night, or we would be smoking more, I don't know.

Italy, it was beautiful but we didn't really enjoy it at all cause we were so tired, and we just couldn't handle our lifes anymore, still it was good.
I will never forget this experience, Europe is so beautiful, and like I said the moment I got there "what poverty hide from me all my life"

Hi!! Sorry for making short chapters:( but I try my best, and I try not to bore you guys. So as I said before, I was telling exacf details, so yeah this actually happened, I went to europe, I smoked with my terrible bad influence roomate, and had the best experience in my, and I hope my parents never know about this or I'll probably be dead and I won't have the opportunity to write more fun/terrible/bad/sad stories about me. Hope you guys enjoy and thank you for reading:) don't forget to coment:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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