Chapter 7: Flashbacks and goodbyes

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Nickii stood my the gate of her college waiting for her friend Conor to arrive. He was one of her closest friends from back home and one of the best guy friends a girl could have. Now he was in competition with the entire football team, especially David. Nickii and David had grew close over the past 6 months. Closer than Nickii had ever expected and to the dislike of the entire school's female population.

"You know, life back homes a little duller with one less ginger around." Nickii looked up to see Conor in front of her.

When they had first met he had been a foot shorter than her, bad teeth and a skinny runt. Now the man standing in front of her was a foot taller than her, beautiful straight teeth and buff. He was around 6 foot , had short black hair and big green eyes.

Nickii had liked Conor ever since they first meet, she'd had a crush on him for the past 8 years. For eight years Conor didn't show the slightest bit of interest in Nickii, but dated nearly all her friends. They had been good friends and was one of the people Nickii truly trusted and missed.

"Yeah well I've survived great without a extra Conor." Conor came over and gave Nickii a giant bear hug.

"I've missed you ginge, wait to you hear about all you've missed."

"I can't wait."


3 hours later 

The two of them had gone to lunch and now they were sitting in the campus cafe talking and joking around. Nickii had enjoyed herself listening about everything she had missed.

"I have something important to tell you." Nickii looked up from the table to meet Conor eyes. That spark she had felt for years was still there. She had a boyfriend and knew she shouldn't be feeling this, but yet Conor had something that pulled you to him. Maybe it was his kind features or his joking nature that Nicole found so attractive, she wasn't sure.

"What is it? "She asked him.Conor looked away from her.

"It's about Jacob." Nickii was suddenly alarmed by the name of her boyfriend.

"What about him?" Conor looked a Nickii with a pained expression and sighed. He ran his hands through his short black hair and looked at her again.

"I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you this but, Jacob he's ........ he's cheating on you." Nickii looked away from Conor. She felt tears pricking in her eyes, she couldn't cry not in public. She should have known it was to good to be true. Conor's grabbed Nickii's hand. She ignored the spark and looked up a him with teary eyes.

"I'm so sorry Nickii." He squeezed her hand.

 "How do you know?" She whispered. Conor slid his phone across the table. On the screen was Jacob and her friend from secondary school, Danny half naked kissing on the bed.

"Does he know I know?" Nickii asked.

"No." Conor said, Nickii shook her head and gave Conor a small smile.

"Oh he will soon."


5 hours later

Conor was away to rejoin his family. She had rung Jacob and told him it was over, he said it was a 'drunken mistake', Nickii then said he better check his Facebook. He had hung up then, Nickii closed down her laptop feeling satisfied that he wouldn't be cheating on anyone else anytime soon.

She sat in her dorm and cried her eyes out. She had heard her phone ring several times and messages come through but didn't bother to look at her phone, she didn't care at the moment.

There was knock in her door and she jumped. She slowly walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole. At the other side of the door was David.

David looked like someone who just stepped out of the front of a Hollister or Abercrombie bag. With roll out of bed dirty blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, high cheek bones that made him even more handsome and a body to die for he was everything any girl could want. And there he was standing for outside her door.

She open the door and he walked in, he grabbed her and pulled her to his chest. For the next couple hours David sat and comforted a crying Nickii.


*end of flashback*

"It's my first solo tour, it's going to be crazy."

Harry stood over his suitcase making sure he had everything he needed. Victoria lay in his bed with the sheets wrapped around her tanned body, her beautiful blonde hair scooped to the side. She got up and walked behind him then wrapped her arms around him, and lay her head against his back.

"You'll be brilliant, the people will love you." Harry turned round so he was face to face with Victoria.

"No they won't, you heard what my grandmothers supervisors said, " Harry sighed and zipped up his suitcase.

"Harry darling, look at me." Harry looked at Victoria. She smiled at him and ran her fingers through his messy ginger hair.

"They just a bunch of old grumps who don't understand how to have fun." Harry raised his eyebrows at Victoria.

"You know what I mean, I bet your tour will be more successful than anyone else's." Victoria said

"I don't think so, my brother and sister and going on tour."

"Yeah, but your funnier and way better to look at than them." She said winking at him. Harry laughed.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Harry said hugging Victoria. She snuggled closer into his chest, breathing in his scent.

" It's only a 10 day tour Harry, you'll be to busy to miss me." Victoria gave Harry the smile he loved more than anything and he kissed her forehead. They were interrupted by a knock on the door, in came Harry private butler, Jeremy.

"Your highness, your car has arrived to take you to South America."

"Thank you." He turned to Victoria and smiled.

"I love you." He kissed her softly on the lips.

"I love you too Harry."

The next 10 days was a blur to Harry, the whole time he longed to get back to Victoria. He just couldn't wait till he called her and told her the good news.

Nicole was sitting in her unit chiefs office, playing with his rubex cube.

"We've all missed Agent Allen , do you think he's getting close to telling you yet?" Nicole put the rubex cube down and shook her head.

"He's not mentioned her once yet sir, I feel it's a very sensitive issue with him." Her unit chief nodded his head 

"That's understandable he-" He was cut of suddenly by Nicole's phone ringing. Nicole apologised quickly before answering the phone.

"Hello, Harry darling how's it going in Brazil?" Nicole said going straight into Victoria mode. She glanced at her unit chief and continued to talk to Harry. Then suddenly she dropped the rubex cube.

"Your WHAT?!"



I've been horrible and haven't been updating!! I've been going through a lot of family issues lately and haven't been able to get to write, so I wrote an extra long chapter and a cliff hanger to make up for it!

This chapters just to set the scene for the future. So sorry if it's a little boring!

now I'm back and hope to update every two weeks, but more comments and votes will make me update sooner!! :) :) :)


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