Chapter 5: Paddling & Story's

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"My brothers really close friends with David, which is really cool. I've talked to him a couple times and he seems like a really dead-on guy.Nicole nodded. They walked towards the football stadium. They walked through the double doors and down a row of stairs. Nicole looked up to see about 15 people doing drills. .

"Hey bro, get your ass over here." All the people looked up. Several of them stopped what they were doing and stood still. They were all staring at Nicole. Nicole looked at the ground, overwhelmed by so much male attention.  

She never recieved much male attension. Then one day, out of the blue, the boy she had had a crush on since 1st form asked her out. Now they were going out. He said they could make a long distance relationship work and she agreed. Now by the looks of it the boys here might have a problem with this...

"Hurry up! Most of the guys are out already!" The coach shouted in. The boys quickly laced up and left the changing room. David sat on the bench and pulled out his mobile phone. There was a text from his mum saying 'I hope you're ok, don't forget your prayers.' David rolled his eyes and put his phone in his locker. He wasn't really looking forward to practice because he knew he'd be bored. He headed out onto the pitch and was surprised to see that they were all standing still and staring at something. He glanced up to were they were looking to see the new girl with his friends little sister. Football practice just got whole lot more interesting....


Nicole's phone was ringing. She reached into her pocket at pulled it out, it was Hannah.


"Hello, my good friend. Operation make Harry jealous is about to commence. Simon is in position. Now you go for it girl." Nicole hung up and headed to the pitch on which they were playing on....

"Victoria? Gosh i haven't seen you in a while." Simon said walking over and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Simon, its so nice to see you again." Victoria said returning the hug. Harry glanced over at the two of them. Victoria was laughing and holding on to Simons arm. He started to get annoyed. He felt the suddened urge to go and punch Simon in the face. Why were they hugging and joking and laughing together? That should be him and her, not Simon his team-mate. Simon had a reputation as a womaniser. Why exactly do I care what Victoria does? Harry wondered. His thoughts were interrupted by the two of them walking towards him, Simon with him arm hung casually round Victoria's shoulder.

"Hey Harry, Victoria tells me you and her know eachother." Simon said smiling.

"Yeah actually we do." Harry said. Victoria smiled at him. Simon turned to look at Victoria.

"How about you me and Lunch, Victoria?" Harry stood waiting for Victoria to reply. What if she ditched me for him? What would he do? She wouldn't do that would she? Harry was frozen on the spot waiting to see what Victoria said.

"Actually Simon, Harry and I have plans already. Maybe someother time?" Simon looked at Harry, who just smiled.

"Uh yeah maybe another time. I'll see you soon Victoria. See you at practice mate." He said to Harry. He turned around and walked away.

"So I was thinking we could go to this really nice italian restaurant i know? Then we could go to the beach?" Harry said while wrapping his arms around Victoria's waist.

"I can't wait." Said Victoria.


"It's freezing!" Victoria shouted. They were at the beech and decided it would be a great idea to go paddling. Harry laughed.

"Of course its cold." Harry said. Victoria laughed and hitched her jeans up higher and walked out to deeper water.

"Come on!" She shouted to Harry. Harry started walking towards her when he tripped over a rock and landed face first into the cold water. He stood back up again drenched and heard Victoria laughing.

"You think thats funny?" Harry asked her raising one of his eyebrows. Victoria nodded still laughing. Harry smiled at her then walked towards her.

"So you won't mind giving me a hug then?" Harry asked playfully. Victoria stopped laughing and looked at him. Her eyes widened.

"You wouldn't?" She asked. Harry smiled and started moving towards her. Victoria started to move away but wasn't as fast as Harry. Harry wrapped his arms around her from behind. Victoria started laughing begging him to not to soak her. She spun around so she was face-to-face with Harry. There faces only inches apart. She looked into Harry deep blue eyes, the same one's Princess Diana had. Harry leaned in towards Victoria and there lips met. Harry and Victoria felt sparks. After a couple minutes they broke apart to breath.

"Ewww." They heard a voice say. Victoria glanced over Harry's shoulder to see a small child no older than 4 or 5 watching them. Victoria and Harry both started laughing.

"So what's it like being a designer?" Harry asked. They were sitting on a blanket on the beach looking up at the stars. Harry had his arms wrapped around Victoria and she had her head rested on his chest. She could hear his slow breathing and heartbeat.

"Yea it's good. I was lucky my father already owned a fashion company so I got it pretty lucky. I know other girls who had way more talent than I could ever have that had to work there butts off to even get the slightest bit close to where I am now."

"Hmm yeah you should recommend them to Kate." Harry said.

"So whats it like being a prince?" Victoria asked. Harry sighed.

"It's not as great as some people think it is. Everything I do has to be monitored, like right now there is a bodyguard somewhere near by, 10 minutes ago he was over by those bushes but I'm not sure where he is now. I'm not allowed to do normal things like go to the park or the beach normally. But today I made the exception. I can't just decided to walk to the cornor shop and grab a pint of milk. But there is the perks, being royal means you have money and plenty of it, which can help so many people out it the world. People don't like me because I might be the result of an affair or the royal who gets drunk and does drugs. Yes i've made mistakes like that nazi costume that was a fail. Or that I'm just the spare and not as good looking as my older brother." Victoria sat up and looked at Harry.

"Harry, you no you were not the result of an affair. Yes, you were a bit wild for a while but who wasn't at that age? And yes that nazi costume was an epic fail but I'm sure there are plenty other people who wore that costume but didnt get the criticism you did. And to tell you the truth Harry I've always thought you were way better looking that William, like come on he's going bald, and the spare is more important than the air because if there was no spare then what would happen if something happened to the air?" Victoria said. Harry was looking up at the stars, he looked at Victoria in amazement and said.

"You know, no ones every put it that way before." Victoria smiled and lay back down on Harry's chest.


Hello people :)

I did say on the last chapter that i would update if i got 4 votes and 2 comments but i really like this story so i updated :)

COMMENT, VOTE Please? it would make me very very happy and upload quicker :) x

I Never Lied When I Said I Loved You (A Prince Harry Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя