A Personal Message from rosaimee

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Poetry is the Crown of literature, they say, but I never think of myself of such thing as a queen when I'm called a poetess. I'm wearing no Crown, but a huge paired of shoes, when thinking of owing words, trying to make language mine, seducing it, bribing words and semantics, meter, rhyming schemes, rhythm it to evoke, to create, to write. Still, despite of might what you think, I'm new to this. I'm the youngest page on this court, as I'm writing poetry for only four years now, nonetheless, I've found my niche in the realm of verses and metaphors.

I've met Bill Temple through Wattpad, and he invited me to be part of The Pub, as well as for Writers for Peace, (a wonderful multicultural project run by a Bill and other friends in different languages) two years ago. There's not enough words to thank Bill and the rest of the poets' community who have welcomed my attempts to write with kindness and the same enthusiasm I bear whenever I'm writing.

It's been an amazing journey and even though I'm not as active as I was before for personal reasons, I often take leisure ride along these lands and read your work guys and enjoy it immensely.

Congrats guys for the second anniversary!

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