A personal Message from OzOfMun

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Like many others I came here as a random person.

My first month or two I stayed quiet, just observing the site. 

Then I ventured away from reading actual books and into the poetry section, I had always enjoyed poetry.

Seeing everyone posting these amazing poems to the world, my first thought was why not do the same. 

And so I did.

Somehow, while checking out the profile of someone who wrote poetry, I found the Pub. 

And it was great. 

Everyone was together and happy. 

So without even thinking, I wrote a poem and submitted it to poeTRY.

And you guys welcomed me. 

That was amazing.

I didn't submit a whole lot the rest of the year, I just observed everyone. 

However this year I'm more active in challenges, that really challenge me.

This site means so much to me, to all poets here: keep writing. 

To all readers of poetry: keep reading. 

To Bill and everyone else I can thank for this wonderful place: CHEERS!

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