Back to School

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A fortnight had passed since the football game, yet Harvey couldn't forget the day's events. Harvey had spent the rest of the holiday period thinking about Josh, dreaming about him, wanting to be with him. The holiday went by so fast and now it was time for the twins to return to school.

The first day back was a Monday. For Max, it felt just like any other Monday - a dull day with a dull timetable that would finish at 3:10pm. But Harvey thought this day was going to be altogether more special.

For lesson one, the boys had Maths, a subject that even Harvey knew would be as boring as a boiled egg. But as the bell rang for period two, Harvey knew what awaited him.

Period two was Technology. This meant that the brothers would be in separate classes, classes which were randomly chosen at the beginning of the year. Max walked zombie-like to his class but a Harvey had a spring in his step.

"Today class, we will be hand sewing the pencil cases that you started making last term", said Miss Williams. Harvey was happy that they weren't using any heavy machinery because he knew he would get distracted by Josh.

Harvey sat there, neatly cross stitching and probably doing it all wrong when he heard a whisper. "Psst!". It was Josh, calling him from the other side of the table. He started miming something and pointing to his watch. "At break time," he mouthed, "meet me by the big oak tree". Harvey nodded and smiled, he was starting to feel more comfortable around Josh now that he knew Josh liked him. It was 10:35. Break started in ten minutes. For ten minutes Harvey would stare at his pencil case, occasionally prodding at it. He couldn't wait.

*Ding Ding Ding Ding*. The class bell rang quickly four times. "Wait, Wait! You leave when I tell you, not when the bell tells you", Miss Williams yelled. As she dismissed the class, table by table, everyone ran to the playground. Harvey packed up his stuff and headed for the big oak tree.

"Breathe in, and breathe out", Harvey told himself as he prepared for Josh to join him. Josh walked towards him and put his hand on Harvey's shoulder. "I had a really good time at the football game the other day", Josh began.
"So did I," said Harvey, "but what did you mean when you put your arms around me and t-". Harvey was interrupted by the sweet touch of Josh's lips. Josh kissed Harvey for what felt like three years. He pressed his lips against Harvey's and didn't pull away until- *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP*. Break time was over and Josh leaned back. "See you in Biology tomorrow", Josh whispered. He then leaned forward and kissed him again, this time he slowly unzipped Harvey's trousers and put one hand down Harvey's pants. Just like on the day of the match, Harvey felt something rise in his pants. This was the second time Josh had given him this wonderful feeling.

And just like that he left. Josh wandered off to his next class and Harvey went to his. Harvey replayed this moment in his head all day.

In his last lesson, all Harvey could do was stare at the ceiling, remembering this first kiss and the wonderful feeling in his pants.

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