chapter 4 : hyakuya orphanage

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Akane pov:

Today I am leaving the hospital Ichinose-san is next to me and is holding my hand in his. We are walking to the entrance of the hospital. Since I don't have a family anymore. They will sent me in an orphanage. But I don't want to be in an orphanage. Ichinose-san looked at me and said.

" You're​ sure that you are alright Akane?"

" Yes. My injuries doesn't hurt anymore." I respond him. But he didn't look satisfied with my answer.

" It's good that they doesn't hurt anymore. But I wanted to know if you're alright to have to live in the orphanage that they will send you? " He said.

"I-I'm afraid Ichinose-san. And I don't won't to go. " I respond. I really didn't wanted to go to an orphanage. I don't want to have another mommy and daddy than mom and dad. I rather being alone or with ichinose-san. Even if I met him yesterday, he is a nice man and he stayed with me all the time to be sure that I would be alright.

" I understand. You will be with people you never met before. But it is normal to be scared in the begin and you can call me Tenki you know." He told me. We were now at the entrance of the hospital. The person that must drive me to the orphanage wasn't here yet.

" What if the other kids don't like me and don't want to be my friends, Tenki-san?" I asked him. That was the thought that was scared me the most. I am afraid that they won't accept me and that I would be alone. I held my grip on Tenki-san's hand things. Tenki-san looked at me before to let my hand go. I looked at him. Not understanding why he let my hand go. He set his had at the back of his neck before to undo a necklace that was around his neck. He kneeled down on my level and set the necklace around my neck. The necklace was a half moon with some bizarre form on where the moon was cut in half.

" I give you my necklace Akane. So that every time you feel lonely, look at this necklace and remember that a part of me will always be with you. And someday I hope to see you again." He said. I felt really happy.

" Then why don't you adopt me?" I asked. If he wanted to see me again. Then why don't he take me with him?

Tenki pov:

If only you knew Akane. My dear little princess how much I want to take you with me. I thought. I sighed.

" I would like." I said. Her eyes lighten up." But it's not so easy you know. I have an 13 year old son and a wife that is waiting me home. And my life isn't​ as easy as you think. I'm also a busy man." And I don't want them to discover what and who you really are. Her expression saddened. " You know. My son have the other half of the moon."
" Really?" She asked as her eyes open wide with a light of joy.

" Really." I respond." And maybe one day you will meet him. And then maybe the moon will be a full moon again." And I could not help but to smile at this. The thought to see my daughter and my son together make me want to smile and to hope it will happen one day. But my thoughts were interrupted by a car. We turned our heads toward the car. A man in a black costume with black hair , black eyes and pale skin came out of the car.

" Sabari Akane?" He asked in a bored tone.

" Here." I say lifting my hand up. The man came closer to us.

" It's time to go girl. " He says taking Akane's hand in his. Akane looked at me with teary eyes. So I took her in a hug and kisses her forehead. Before to set my hands on her shoulder. Looking now in her eyes.

" Don't forget what I said about the necklace. And I'm sure we will meet again. " I told her. The man then set her in the car. Akane looked through the window and I stayed here till the car was nowhere to see.

Akane pov

When the man took me in his his car. I look to Tenki-san through the window. When the car began to drive away he waved and I waved back. His siluete became littler and littler with the distance, till I didn't saw it anymore. After some time we arrived at the orphanage. I got out of the car while the man took a bag and gave it to me. I open the bag and I recognise some of my clothes. The man led my to what looked like a school. There were letters on the top of the school. But since I am a four-year-old, I haven't learn to read yet. He lead my to the entrance of the school. I saw children looking at the television. The man pushed on the bell and not even one minute later. A lady older than mommy and daddy came to open the door. She had crully light brown hair and green eyes. She smiled at us.

" I guess that she is Sabari Akane." Said the woman. The man nodded. She took me inside and the man left ." Welcome to the Hyakuya orphanage Akane." She smiled and led my to the other kids. There was a blond kid that was my age of one year older than me.

" Hello. My name is Mikaela. But you can call me Mika if you want." He introduce himself with a big smile on his lips. He had blue eyes and his skin was pale. His hair was in a mess. Other kids were with him. Most of them were older than me. There was two girl and two boys that's​ was maybe one or two years younger than me.
They all introduce themselves to me. One of the girls had dark blue hair, glasses and brown eyes. Her name was Chihiro. The other girl had short light brown hair that was set in two ponytails on the sides. And she had brown eyes too. Her name was Ako. One of the boys has dark brown hair and onyx eyes. His skin is darker than mine. His name is Kouta. The other boy was one year old and had light brown hair and onyx eyes too. His name is Taichi. I notice that all the kids have the same last name. Hyakuya. But isn't that the name of the orphanage?

" So why are you here Akane-chan?" Ask Ako.

" Because mommy and daddy died. And I have no one else." I respond. When I think about it. I want to cry. My eyes water. Mikaela took me in a hug.

" Did you parents love you?" Ask Chihiro timidly. Like she is afraid to know my answer. And what for question is that? Doesn't every parent love thier child? I nodded.

" But why? And why do you all have as last name the name of the orphanage?" I ask.

" My parents abused me." Says Mika with a smile .

" Mine abodoned me ." Say Ako and Chihiro.

" Mine set me here. Money trouble. And Taichi was also abodoned. " says Kouta.
They all said it with a smile on their face. Like they were happy not having parents. I feel like I am the only one whose parents loved their child. And that is making me uneasy. Some of them are abodoned and others don't have a good experience with adults. The director showed me my room. There were 2 beds. The two beds are unoccupied. One of the two will be mine and the other for someone else. I wonder who my roommate with be? I took one of the two beds and I lay down. I took Tenki-san necklace and stare at it. I remember the words Tenki-san said.
' I give you my necklace Akane. So every time you feel lonely look at this necklace and remember that a part of me will always be with you. And someday I hope to see you again.'
He said that we will meet again. And I believe him. I held the necklace to my heart and fell asleep in what I have to call now home.

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