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(Picture credit goes to @sweetomlinsun)

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(Picture credit goes to @sweetomlinsun)

"Harry! Go get Zayn up for me please!" I say hurriedly grabbing my satchel eating a banana whilst my husband runs up the steps in his suit to wake up our eldest; Zayn. They will be late if Zayn doesn't get back into his routine soon for school this year.

"Papa, I can't find my ring dad gave to me!" Niall whines walking up to me with teary eyes.

"Niall, I think you'll be ok for the day, we will find it after school," I say rubbing his back while crouching down to his height. I then stand up and check my watch. I groan and tell Niall to wait down here for me to get back. I walk over to Zayn's room and open the door to be met with his hair crazy and half naked body putting clothes on. "Zayn, come on. We need to get going!"

"I know that. I'm just tierd as always papa, dad came and woke me up so I'm up now," Zayn says finalising his outfit putting on his black skinnies with a white wrinkled shirt he most likely found on the ground, but there's no point in telling him to change now. As I'm walking to go downstairs Harry comes out of our room.

"Hey babe," he says pecking my lips. "You ready?"

"Hold on," I say putting my hand on his chest and turning facing Zayn's room. "Zayn sweetie, we need to get going!"

"I'm ready," he says waking out of his room with his phone in hand and bag on his back. "Let's go."

We then walk downstairs and head out to the car and get seated.

"You guys ready for the first day back?" Harry says to the boys only getting a groan out of both of them. "Well... I'll take that as a no then?"

I bring my hand over the console and lace our fingers together as we get to school.

"Eww! Papa! Dad! No PDA in the car!" Niall exclaims covering his eyes with his hands cringing in his seat. We all let out a little laugh, except Niall, as I hastily take my hand away from Harry's.

"Sorry," I say and look out the front of the vehicle. I look outside to see the school, "alright guys, let's go in. I'll drop you lads off at your classrooms then I need to go to mine."

"Bye babe," Harry says pecking my lips and kissing the kids' cheeks. "I'll pick you up after school."

"Okay, bye!" I say lastly as Harry drives off back to the house. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah, I guess," Zayn replies boredom clear in his voice. I grab Niall's hand still walking to Zayn's class.

"What about you Nialler?" I say looking at the blonde with brunette roots ruffling his hair.

"Hopefully it will be fun," I nod my head smiling and hugging him as we walk up to Zayn's advisory.

"Alright Zaynie, have a good day," I say giving him a hug while kissing his cheek.

"Bye papa. See you later," Zayn says walking off.

"Time to go to your class Nialler," I say with his hand still in mine walking to the sixth grade wing. "Bye baby, I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay," he says then I kiss his cheek. I walk to my classroom and wait for 30 minutes until the class starts filling up. Me greeting students and parents of their kids that I'll be teaching this year, I look over to the door to see a small boy with his brown hair into a nice quiff. Wearing blue jeans with a black shirt and combat boots with a plaid shirt tied at his waist.

He walks in and I notice his parents or parent isn't with him. I finish up with the last parents and walk over to the little boy.

"Hey," I say crouching by the boys' desk, "where are your parents?"

"They, didn't want to come," he says looking at my eyes looking small in this room. In the corner of my eye I see girls looking at him cooing and giggling while pointing at the young lad I'm speaking with, blushing when they notice me looking and so they turn away. I turn back and look at the boy.

"Now why's that?" I ask tilting my head for emphasis in my sentence.

"They don't like to do things with me," he says looking down.

"Hey, tell me, what's your name?" I say quizzically.

"Liam," he says smiling. "Liam Payne."

"Well Liam, welcome to my class," I say standing up looking at his desk to see his name tag he picked up at the front and taped it on his desk it in fact does say 'Liam Payne'. "I'm Mr. Tomlinson, I'm always here if you need someone to talk with."

I reach my hand out for him to shake. He does so with a cute little smile.

"Welcome to fifth grade everyone," I say backing up towards the front clasping my hands together to get their attention.

"Hopefully this year I get to know each and every one of you individually as a person academically and physically. Now get your planners out, we are going to be writing in it when we need to plan something and every Monday you will be writing an overview in it of our week," I say turning around picking up an eraser and erasing the seating chart, writing down the planner while still talking, "Monday, today we are going to be doing a getting to know each other activity. Tuesday, we'll be doing more get to know activities and we'll start to actually do wor-," then I hear girls snickering so I turn around and look where the commotion is from. Greeeat. "Anything you want to share with the class?"

"No," the girl says now not laughing anymore.

"What's your name?" I ask putting the cap on the marker walking near her table.

"Hallie," she says scared shitless. Haha. Shouldn't have upset me.

"Well Hallie, don't interrupt my class again or you get documented behaviour. Anyways," I say grabbing the marker to keep writing down the planner. "Wednesday there is an assembly and we'll be partnering up with the third graders. Thursday we'll be studying for an overview quiz Friday for what you should already know of hopefully and what you will be learning this year so I know where you are at. Friday we will be doing a quiz like a said, it's on all subjects, reading, maths, writing, science, etc. You don't need to study because you don't know what will be on the test."

I then turn around and look around the class to see everyone still writing some groaning not even writing and a few done which is Liam, Alex, and Fiona.

"So," I say clasping my hands together continuing my sentence, "any questions?" A kid in the middle of the class raises their hand.

"You," I point at the girl wearing a nice dress with a jacket going over, "what is your name?"

"Diana," Diana speaks.

"What is your question?" I ask looking at her and so are her classmates.

"What's the assembly about?" Diana retorts.

"Good question. It is about safety, the school officers are doing a speech in the auditorium about home safety and school safety," everyone nods their head and start there side conversations about things they did over summer. This will be a long year.

I look at Liam to see he is reading a book not socialising with the others, so I walk up to him and pull up a chair and sit, sparking up a conversation with the young lad waiting for the beginning bell to go off so I can start the day off.


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~Megan E.

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