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Olivia's pov

"Olivia, the breakfast is on the table. Your father is still asleep so don't wake him. He had a long night last night. I'm heading to the diner," my mom paused then grabbed her purse off the counter, "love you sweetie. Go out and make some friends babe." She kissed my forehead and was out. I took a seat at the table and ate my breakfast. It was still pretty early in the day so I had no rush. After I finish I put my dishes in the sink then head back upstairs. I changed into some faded jean shorts and a bright yellow tee shirt. I tuck it in and pull out a little so it doesn't look awkward. Then pull on my dirty converse and finally pull my hair up into a ponytail with shorter pieces of my long hair hanging loosely around my face.

By 11:30 a.m. I was out again in the boiling sun. I continuously kicked a stone with my shoe, attempting to distract myself from the irritating heat. "Um- hi." A voice said from behind me. I jumped. My head whipped around while my ponytail slapped the persons neck. The boy I had seen the other day from the window stood there. A small smile was spread across his lips. I could now see that he had brilliant blue- green eyes that made my insides churn. "Uh-um-hi." I stammered. Would you learn how to talk, Olivia? I mentally face palmed.

Chris's POV

I sang along to the tune from the radio while gazing out of the window. I planned to meet up with Gordie and the guys but didn't want to go outside to the devilish heat the sun was putting out. Then I saw her. The girl from the window. Her long hair in a ponytail rested on the back of her yellow shirt. Her head was down as she kicked a stone. This is your chance! Go get her!

I hurried out the door. She walked passed my house, still kicking the stone, not paying attention to me standing on the porch. I let her walk a couple feet before following behind her. When I got close enough to touch her I spoke up. "Um-hi." I said. She quickly snapped around. Her hair whipped hard across my neck. I could now see how petite she was. She looked almost five foot. She had pretty big and great tits though . Ew Chris, not be a pervert. But hey I'm a teenage boy I can't help it. Her light brown eyes fixed on mine as her cheeks blushed once again. "Uh-um-hi." She managed to stumble out. I gave her a warm smile. "I'm Chris, Chris Chambers." I gestured for her hand. She hesitated then took it, "I'm Olivia Waters." A small smile took form on her tanned face. Her eyes continued to stare into mine as if she was searching. But yet so we're mine. As soon as she noticed she was staring her eyes darted away back to the rock by her converse.

"It's nice to meet you darlin'," why did you say that? You're an idiot Chambers.

Her eyebrows furrowed. She cleared her throat, "Darlin'?"

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to say that." I tried to save myself. She blew it off.

"It's cool. Where you heading?"

"I'm going to meet up with my friends, Gordie, Teddy, and Vern. In fact, you should come!" I say excitedly. She chuckled, "I'm not sure you and your friends would want me there." The smile slowly faded from her face. We start to walk slowly, standing side by side. She looked back at her house as if there was something there. "I would want you there." She gazed back up at me with a faint twinkle in her eye. My heart melted.
What? No Chris! You are not getting caught up in a girl. You'll mess her up.
She didn't reply but kept the small smile on her face. "Besides the boys are nice kids. Teddy is a little crazy but wouldn't hurt you. Vern is as innocent as a puppy. Geordie is my best friend and is a really nice kid. And me well I don't mean to brag but I'm pretty great." She giggled an adorable little giggle. "Oh alright, I might as well. I just moved here." She shrugged.

We continued to talk about how we are neighbors and our lives. I kept out most of the bad things so I wouldn't scare her off like the rest of people in this damn town. I could tell she was keeping things as well but didn't say anything. I liked her. A lot.


I took her hand and helped pull her up the hill. With the mix of the hot sun and the hill we were both out of breath, our chests heaving. Soon we finally approached the big tree that held our tree house. "And here we are," I say pointing to the tree. The faint sound of Teddy's Hugh pitched laugh and the radio could be heard. I looked back at her. She stood there shaking looking at the view of most the town that could be seen. I went over and rested my hand on her shoulder. She jumped. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. You are just shakin." I say. She runs her hand through her ponytail and looks down. I lift her chin up using my thumb and index finger gently. "It's going to be okay. They are going to love you, Olivia." She took a deep breath and smiled. "Thank you, Chris." She says smiling again making my knees feel weak. I stuff my hands in my jean pockets. "Ready to meet the guys?"

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will post the next one as soon as possible! What do you think so far?

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