Character Spotlight: Emma

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     Emma!  She's so sweet!  And nice!  And a great friend!  But her dark side and fun side are great too lol.  She's super caring and heartfelt.  I love how she didn't know how to surf before she came to work and the other groms taught her. It was so sweet. Plus she really improved! Go Emma! Fin may not be too happy about that, but still awesome.  She represented us all (sadly) for one-sided crushes.  She poured so much energy into Ty!  Frankly, I think she could do better, but whatever lol.  We still love her, regardless of her hopeless devotion to Ty.  She and Lo were great friends though!  Along with her and Fin.  Broseph and Emma scenes were hilarious.  Too bad she kept shutting down Johnny unknowingly.  Either way I think Emma is awesome. She's such a great character and super (mostly lol) genuine. She had a positive attitude, but fought for what she wanted.  Emma really grew on me as the episodes went on.  I really love Emma, she's so great and honestly she's still great when she's single!  She doesn't need to be shipped with anyone!  (But trust me I do ship her with someone...)


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Just look how adorable!

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Just look how adorable!

Just look how adorable!

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But she did get angry.  Angry Emma or Revengeful Emma was the BEST!

And her excitement about being 49th and beating that bitch, Kaylie, was so adorable and made me love her even more!  I wish I had a 49th place trophy lololol!  Woo hoo, Emma!

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And her excitement about being 49th and beating that bitch, Kaylie, was so adorable and made me love her even more!  I wish I had a 49th place trophy lololol!  Woo hoo, Emma!

Not to mention her good vs evil consciences!  lol loved it and them and everything!  These scenes were hilarious!  There's definitely nothing wrong with a pinch of bad girl in a sweet chick like Emma!

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Not to mention her good vs evil consciences!  lol loved it and them and everything!  These scenes were hilarious!  There's definitely nothing wrong with a pinch of bad girl in a sweet chick like Emma!

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