Chapter Nineteen.

Start from the beginning

"Louis, stop. Don't come near me. You don't want me. I'm nothing. Everyone would be better off without me." I add.

"If my new name is everyone than you're wrong. I would die without you, Kitten. You're my fucking everything and don't you dare think I would just give up on you like that." He tells me.

"Everyone else did. So why not you?" I counter.

"I love you, Katherine Grace!" He exclaims.

"Goodbye, Louis." I sob, and feel myself fall.


Before I can go all the way down though, I feel something around my wrist. I look up to see Louis with tear stained cheeks.

"Louis, let me go!" I wail and start slapping his hands with my free one.

"No, I'm not losing you!" He yells.

"Louis, please!" There's now a crowd of people below us on the streets. Some on phones, some watching, some panicking and screaming. Within seconds, I hear sirens coming our way.

"No! You can't do this to me! You can't leave me here alone! You and me against the world, remember? You and me forever and always. To the moon and back...Please remember." He chokes at the last two words.

"Louis, it hurts. I can't take this pain." I finally grab his other wrist with my free hand.

"I know the Katy, the one I fell in love with, is in there somewhere." He whispers. "Please come back to me."

"Alright," I say, my voice just as quiet as his. The cops are now here and shouting through bull horns.

"Alright?" He repeats in a questioning tone, as if to ask what I mean.

"Pull me up." Harry rushes over to help and they pull me through the window, scraping my knees along the way, but I choose to ignore it. I stand up fully and smooth my jeans, shirt, and hair.

"Louis.." I whine and run into his arms.

"Shh," He cooes, stroking my hair and kissing the top of my head.

"I love you." I lift my head to look up at the boy who stole my heart, and I don't plan on letting him give it back. "So, so much."

"I love you more." He leans down and plants a soft, yet passionate, kiss on my lips.

"Figures." I hear Skylar scoff and I turn to look at her.

"What was that?" I ask calmly.

"You heard me." She counters.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I spit.

"I'm talking about how you chose some fucking play toy that you'll probably get tired of in two days!" She scolds.

"Excuse me!?" I screech.

"You're being a fucking idiot, Kat! You've known him for, what, a month and a half and you think you love him!? You think he loves you!? You stupid, petty little girl, he doesn't want you! He probably feels sorry for you." She says bitterly.

"You fucking bitch!" I scream as I pounce on her, knocking her to the ground and straddling her. I punch over and over again as she screams.

Louis' P.O.V

I stand there smirking as my girlfriend beats the shit out her sister. What Skylar said was completely out of line and untrue. I'm in love with Katy. I couldn't dare leave here, even if I wanted to. She needs me, but more importantly, I need her.

"Louis, what the hell are you doing!? Don't just stand there, do something!" Lauren shouts to me, gesturing to the girl with my hands.

"No, she deserves it! She- Shit!" I shout as I see Katy grab Skylar's hair and slam her head onto the concrete. I jump over Sky's legs and wrap my arms around Kitten's petite waist, dragging her off the older girl's body as she kicks and screams.

"Louis, let me go! She deserves this! She took everything from me! Everything!" She screams with tears brimming her eyes as I sit in one of the auditorium chairs, pulling her wiggling body onto my lap, everyone watching us. I'm the only one that'll be able to calm her down, and if I fail who knows what will happen.

"No, baby." I coo into her ear, tightening my grip on her waist. "I  know it's hard, but you can't beat her to death. She's your sister, I'm sure she didn't mean for any of this to happen. Ignore what she said. I love you more than life itself. Remember our promise?"

"Yes," She, shakily sighs. "But she hurt me, Louis. Just her standing over there makes me want to attack her!"

"Then don't look at her." I say just above a whisper, gently cupping her cheeks in my hands and turning her beautiful face to look at mine. "Look at me. I love you, always have and always will. You're mine and I am yours. We only need each other." Everyone stares at us with looks of disbelief on their features.

"He's more myself than I am." She quotes one of her favorite books quietly and shakily. "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

I place a kiss on her nose, then mouth.

"I love you." I tell her truthfully.

"I love you." She repeats.

The Past Can Hurt. {Louis Tomlinson} (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now