| Epilogue |

716 34 13

*Karma's POV*

It has been a month since Nagisa and I have started dating. I had expected every day to be blissful, but there is something that has been bothering me since day one; Nagisa has yet to tell me the three words I want to hear so badly. And not just that, Nagisa also has not initiated anything romantic with me. It felt as if nothing between us had changed. Like that Valentine's day had been nothing but a dream.

I let out a sigh. How frustrating. I have longed to hear those words ever since we started dating. Why hasn't he said it to me? In the corner of my eyes, I could see the bluenette happily chatting away with some other guys. Half of me wanted to believe that it was just a friendly chat but the other possessive half just wanted to grab their throats so badly and threaten them to stay away from Nagisa. I'm usually not this unreasonable, but recently, I can't help but think that Nagisa doesn't really love me. This added fuel to my already burning possessiveness.

I couldn't just stand aside and watch Nagisa keep hanging out with others while refusing to make any initiations in our relationship. The jealousy within me got the better of me. Soon, school had ended and Nagisa was packing up and getting ready to go home. Without hesitation, I walked towards Nagisa and grabbed one of his hands. Before he could register the situation, I was already dragging him out of the classroom, walking in the direction of the abandoned shed near our classroom.

I threw Nagisa against the wall of the shed and slammed my hand on the space of the wall next to him, trapping him with no way to escape. I could see the fear in Nagisa's eyes as mine interlocked with his.

"I-Is something wrong, Karma...?" Nagisa stuttered.

I took a deep breath and tried to control my feelings before I did something to hurt him. I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes and as I spoke, my voice faltered every now and then.

"Nagisa...I want you to answer me honestly. Do you really love me?"

Nagisa flinched a little, and I could feel something inside me break at the sight of his reaction.

While trying to keep myself composed, I continued, " You have no idea how troubled I have been the past few weeks just because you won't show in your actions that you love me more than just a friend. I started wondering if you just didn't want to hurt my feelings, so you forced yourself to give me a chance. Valentine's Day...That whole day had been joke right? Did it mean absolutely nothing to you?"

At this point, I couldn't contain my tears anymore. They started streaming down my face and onto the ground in between us. I faced down, trying to hide my face from Nagisa.

"Karma. Look at me."

I slowly lifted my head to look into his eyes. Nagisa brushed some of my stray strands of hair back behind my ears before resting his one of his hands on the side of my face, the other intertwining with my hand.

I stood still, not moving an inch. Nagisa's small and warm hand was still clasped tightly around mine as his blue eyes stared right back into mine. Just as Nagisa was about speak another word, I stopped him. I couldn't hold myself back any longer. My lips pressed against Nagisa's soft and delicate lips, while my hand brushed through his soft blue hair. My hands began to run down his back slowly and wrap themselves around his tiny waist. It was sweet, so sweet, even sweeter than candy, yet it was so hot and spicy. I drew back from Nagisa slowly. His ocean blue eyes fluttered open.

I locked my gaze with Nagisa's. He grinned and let out a slight giggle.

"What are you talking about Karma? That day had been the happiest day of my life! I was going to tell you something, until Koro-sensei and his bird crisis came along. I didn't want anyone else to hear what I was about to say to you." After finishing off his sentence, he tiptoed in order to reach my ear, pulling me down closer before whispering those sweet words I've been dying to hear.

"I love you, Karma."

All this while, my worries had been caused by my own insecurities. I had been overthinking. Just as much as I cared about Nagisa, he felt the same way about me too. We both deeply love each other. As if a huge rock has been lifted off me, I felt so relieved that I had pulled the guy closer to me once again as proof of my love for him.

"I love you too, Nagisa."

// And this will mark the end of our first fanfiction :) We hope that you enjoyed it! Do leave feedbacks as to how we can improve //

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