| Chapter VII |

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*Nagisa's POV*

Karma decided to walk me back home because, I quote him, “A gentleman must never let a lady walk home by herself.” And that was how we ended up walking together again. Side by side, hand in hand.

At this point, I couldn’t bring myself to look at Karma. All the fun we had earlier, it all only served to make me feel even more guilty of the cruel lie I am feeding Karma.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I stopped and let Karma’s hand go.

“What’s the matter, Niji-san?” Karma gently asked. The smile on his face was replaced with a concerned look.

Looking back down at my feet, I replied, in the voice I haven’t used since the time I assumed this identity, “I’m sorry, Karma...I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry…” Before I knew it, tears started rolling down my face, washing off some of the makeup I had on in the process. My trembling hand reached for the wig on my head and pulled it off in one swift motion. I let the wig drop on the floor and my hands flew to my face, covering it in shame. I did not need to look at Karma’s face to know what kind of expression he had on his face when I took off the wig. Surprise. Hurt. Betrayal. Hatred. This is it. He must hate me now. I know I deserve it. But it still hurt to know that I was going to lose Karma.

Amidst all of my thoughts, I suddenly felt warm hands pull my own away from my face. One of the hands rested on the side of my face, caressing it. The other rested on my chin, lifting it such that I was now face to face with the owner of the warm pair of hands.
Bright yellow eyes complimented by fiery red hair stared into my eyes and I felt vulnerable under his intense gaze. Our faces were close to each other’s, lips only a few inches away from touching. His hand that was on my chin travelled down to my hand, taking it in his own. Slowly, he leaned forward and pressed his soft but slightly chapped lips onto mine.

The kiss was brief, but it didn’t fail to make my heart pound like crazy. When Karma pulled away, his eyes were looking at me lovingly, as if they were saying, “Don’t cry, Nagisa. I’m here. I won’t leave you.”
He then pulled me into a hug and whispered into my ear, “To tell you the truth, I already knew it was you right from the start. I just wanted to play along and see what you would do.”

I pulled away gave Karma a playful glare. He smirked. I retorted, “If you already knew, you should have said something! You made me worry for no reason…I was so afraid that you’d hate me!” I pouted and Karma took this chance to squeeze my cheeks.

“I hate you.” I muttered.

“No, you don’t.” Karma replied with a teasing smile.

He placed his hand on the back of my head, bringing it closer to his.
Pressing his forehead against mine, he said sweetly,

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Nagisa. Now, I just have one question to ask…”

Karma took a few steps back and held out a hand.

“Will you be my boyfriend?”

I practically leapt onto him the moment he finished his question. Karma laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

“I’ll take that as a yes?”

“Well what do you think, you idiot.”

Karma chuckled and gave me a peck on the forehead in return.

While we were lost in each other’s embrace, a certain yellow figure was behind one of the trees, spying on us with his pair of binoculars. Well, that was until a bird resting on the tree decided to take a dump.


Karma and I turned to the direction of the scream. And there was Koro-sensei, desperately trying to wipe off the bird’s faeces.

“Ahem.” Karma coughed, making it audible enough for Koro-sensei to hear.

Koro-sensei turned purple and beads of perspiration started rolling down his head.

“Oh-ahahaha! I was...taking a walk around town and I happened to pass by this place! I-I wasn’t following you guys or anything! Oh look at the time, I have to go off now. BYE!” And within split seconds he was gone.

Karma and I were still confused as to what had just happened. It seems like Koro-sensei had some explaining to do.

“Shall we get going, Nagisa? It’s getting late.”

I gave Karma a smile and took his hand.

Together, we walked down the all too familiar route leading to the street where my house is.

Needless to say, our walks were never the same from then on.

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