Chapter 5: Brewing; Suspicions and the Jealous OakClan

Start from the beginning

"Can we hunt?" Stormpaw politely asked.

Cougarfang swallowed his piece of finch and looked over. He took another bite, then nodded.


Everything was always calm and friendly in SandClan- like everyone was family. It was nice, and much better then the set-up of OakClan. OakClan was more like a city, or a bustling government, Firepaw figured. It was unwelcoming when you were in the bottom tier of that setup. 
But little flutters of contentment rose in her chest as it was just her and Stormpaw near the OakClan border, searching for prey. Firepaw scented the air. She smelled a robin, its scent fresh. She also caught a trace of Goldpaw and Orangepaw's scent, and in curiosity, followed it. She stopped abruptly as it crossed the border. "Hey, Stormpaw?"

"Yeah?" He stopped sniffing the air to look over.

"Your littermates' scents are here, but disappear at the border."

He padded over and bent down to sniff. "And OakClan." He narrowed his eyes. "How dare they capture my littermates?" He began to tremble as wafts of fear stench drifted from his pelt. "Come on, we need to tell Bigstar, Firepaw! What're you waiting for?" Without waiting for an answer, he bolted off, his lithe grey body rushing across the grass on fleeting paws. Firepaw gulped and went after him.


A large patrol from SandClan met at the OakClan border and began their investigation. Firepaw and Stormpaw were at the back, answering questions that came thick and fast. They all went a little like this:

"Did you see where the two had gone? Where were they?" A warrior would ask a question, similar to this.

"I don't know." She would answer bashfully, giving an awkward shrug.

"We just came and found the tracks!" Stormpaw would include.

Nearly the entire Clan was gathered and in quite a panicked conundrum. Rockpaw was there, standing silently near Firepaw. Goldenray was absent, however, with her two kits. Nobody dared to tell her what was going on, they only mentioned perhaps a disturbance with OakClan but never gave any inklings to the fact that her two other kits were missing.

"This is bad." Bigstar informed her Clan, moving away from the border. "We should follow the tracks into OakClan territory. I know that is trespassing, but we need to find the missing apprentices! OakClan could have definitely taken them."

"But why? Are they that mouse-brained to capture two apprentices and risk a battle?" 

Bigstar looked over at Swiftfoot. Her eyes looked as if they were deep in thought. Finally, she answered, "We have Firepaw and Rockpaw. They have Goldpaw and Orangepaw."

Sandstripe lashed her tail. "So, will this be a battle? Or will we just come in with our entire Clan and ASK? They will attack first, anyway. And I doubt they want Firepaw and Rockpaw back. I don't think taking our apprentices is really a reprisal for taking 'theirs.'"

Bigstar thought again. "Part of us will wait in their territory. Part of us will wait on the border. Some will enter the camp and ask. If there's a battle.. Stormpaw will inform you." Bigstar nodded to Stormpaw. "That means you're coming to the camp with us. Along with Firepaw, and Swiftfoot, Sandstripe, and Cougarfang."

Firepaw knew that wasn't a lot. She knew if they were attacked, Stormpaw would have to be quick. At the thought of having to face Birchstar, little butterflies hatched in her belly and attacked the walls of her stomach. She suddenly felt queasy and her ears went back against her scalp.

Bigstar lashed her tail. "Berryclaw, lead a patrol into their territory. Take it anywhere, just close enough to the camp for Stormpaw to get you quickly. Take whomever you like." She lashed her tail back and forth. "My patrol, we're going in."

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