Chapter 5: Brewing; Suspicions and the Jealous OakClan

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Sunspots padded from the medicine den leaving Firepaw alone to lay on her side on the stone medicine den floor. She had just gotten treatment for her eye. She had looked into a water puddle the sunrise before, only to find her entire left eye sliced down the middle with a thin pink scar. Her first reaction was sadness, but after a little thought, she figured it kind of looked cool. Like a tough punk apprentice. Yeah...

Firepaw watched Sunspots as he padded from the den and into the clearing to his apprentice who was sharing prey with her littermate, Orangepaw. Firepaw tuned into his conversation, out of pure boredom. "Goldpaw, we need more juniper berries... and horse-tail I believe."

"I know." She swallowed her prey and looked to Sunspots and the glare he gave her. "O-Oh. I-I'll get some!" She purred and stood.

"Take someone." He urged. 

"How about Orangepaw?" She nudged her littermate, and Sunspots nodded in approval.

"Near the OakClan border would be fine." Sunspots turned and entered the Medicine den again. He nodded to his patient.
Firepaw nodded back, then just stared past him and out into the camp. She saw her littermate padding about boredly. Ah, Rockpaw. Cheer up. 
Firepaw greeted and welcomed the new-leaf breeze that rustled her pelt from the mouth of the cave. She couldn't help but purr.

The sun made its way across the sky, and at its highest point, Firepaw was finally released from the medicine cat's care. She exited to a less stuffy clearing and she stretched out each leg of hers individually. She saw her friend and padded up to him, greeting him kindly. "Hello, Stormpaw."

"Hi, Firepaw!" Stormpaw had a moss-ball between his paws, and was exchanging it between the two. "Wanna play? I was going to play with Orangepaw, but she's collecting herbs. Still." He batted it over to Firepaw who caught it swiftly. She batted it back.

"So, whose your mother?" Firepaw batted the moss-ball. She was curious to know every connection of her clanmates to one another.

"Goldenray." Stormpaw held the ball for a while to jerk his head in the direction of a slightly worn golden pelted cat laying in the nursery, with two small fluffy kits bounding about around her gently sweeping tail.

"Who're the kits?" Firepaw asked, craning her head to look at the small figures.

"My younger littermates!" Stormpaw purred. He stood up and began to pad over. He flicked his tail for Firepaw to follow. "They're really cute." His tail lashed out to show Firepaw the two tumbling kits. "The black she-kit is Midnightkit, and the white tom with the orange tabby stripes is Whitekit." Stormpaw leaned over to whisper in Firepaw's ear, "'Dunno why he was called WHITEkit. I think Orangekit'd suit better."

Goldenray was proven to be asleep now, but the kits' ears flicked to the apprentice's words, however they showed no indication of understanding him. 

Midnightkit looked up. "Do you know any new battle training moves we can try?"

"Y-Yeah I wanna know, too. Although I'm no good at 'em..." Whitepaw shuffled his paws.

"Nah, I don't, sorry. Maybe you can try asking the elders for battle stories- learn from those." Stormpaw turned and padded away as the kits then tumbled to the resting elders nearby. Stormpaw lashed his tail. "I never knew gathering herbs took so long! Two patrols have been sent out and came back already!" He looked to Firepaw.

"Yeah... Let's hunt, maybe? Then we can also search for them... they were sent to the OakClan border. Sunspots said, at least."

"Good idea. Besides, I'm getting hungry... And I bet since it's New-leaf we can eat while patrolling, right?" He looked to the deputy sharing prey with Berryclaw. He padded up, Firepaw alongside him.

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