57 2 2

1.) yo im sam bitches
2.) i love to fucking curse
3.) i love monstercat
4.) i listen to too much hood music😂
5.) im publicly going against suicide to help prevent it:)) (listen to 1-800-273-8255 by Logic)
6.) i love animals (especially cats)
7.) i like jeffy
8.) i can be a hoarder
9.) im too obsessed with snapchat streaks
10.) im pretty personal about my irl-life online
11.) i hate hearing fuck u even tho i say it a lot
12.) im questioning y you're still reading this
13.) i like horror shit even tho im a pussy about it😂

1.) Poisened-Love
2.) Brookie_The_Fox
3.) Raiderthecat
4.) Sly_Shadow_Heathen
5.) destinyangels
6.) PotterWhoSherlock13
7.) FluteLoli
8.) ChiyakoColors
9.) BerryTruffles
10.) Ms_Horrendous
11.) ElectricEmo
12.) AGKraftyGamer2257
13.) BoobleAndNiall
14.) MacabreDancer
15.) br0ken_1ce

i tagged random accounts bc y not

Jokes/ Pickup Lines/ Combacks/ Quotes/ Advise/ etcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora